Everyday I watch the news and I pay great attention to the state of the economy. Everyday I find myself a bit more disappointed at how things are going. I find the stimulus package to at best in effective. The idea behind a stimulus is to stimulate and I don't see that happening. What I see is our country heading for a real depression and my opinion is maybe that's just what this country needs. Harsh words I know but I do have a reasoning no matter how skewed it may. The financial foundations of our country are rotten to their core. If you know anything about construction you know no matter how great a building you place on a bad foundation it will crumble. Right now no matter what we place on our foundation it is still bad and leaves anything placed upon it to crumble.
I do have some ideas on how to fix our foundations.
First and foremost we need to go back to being a nation of producers instead of a nation of consumers. Common sense will tell you people get the money to consume from the goods they produce. i.e. I work, I get a paycheck, I spend my paycheck. Now this brings up another issue labor unions. They have to be either broken or adept a whole new attitude. Once upon a time labor unions we one of the greatest friends the American worker had but as of late all they have accomplished is out pricing American labor. Is it any wonder so many companies ship our jobs overseas with what the unions charge for American labor. What would happen to our economy if just 50 percent of our unemployed people made less than the unions are charging for labor but they were working? I'll tell you an economic boom. I wish I could take credit for this phrase and I remembered where I heard I'd give the proper credit but it goes like this. We will not have economic recovery in this country until there is a sticker on most products sold here that reads MADE IN AMERICA BY AMERICANS. Ask yourself this? Would you Gladly pay $ 20.00 more for your next television if it had that sticker ? I would.
Next step CLOSE OUR BORDERS. If you have illegals who can be used as slave labor to keep from paying a citizen a decent wage plain and simple your taking a job away from am American here at home. We have real problems that need to be solved. Before we can worry about anyone Else's problems we need to solve our own. I know the Statute of Liberty says to give me yourtired your hungry and your poor. The problem is that describes us right now. We need to help ourselves before we can help others.
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