I’m sting here watching the week end repeat of the Nancy Grace Show and it finally dawned on me what I feel the true motivation of George and in particular Cindy Anthony is in the staunch defense of their daughter.
If you listen to Leonard Padila who by the way is one of the very few people to spend time with family away from the media glare, Cindy runs the house.
I think it is a fair assessment to call Cindy Anthony a control freak and a narcissist. Go back to the first Today Show appearances about the time Caylee’s disappearance was first known. You will notice a pattern that follows every time the Anthony’s appear before the media. Cindy is the mouth piece and George rarely speaks unless spoken to.
I have no doubt that Cindy loved Caylee as if she were her own daughter because after all she practically was.
Tot mom (sorry to steal your phase Ms. Grace) may have been the bio mom but Cindy was Caylee’s mom where it counted.
Caylee was one more person for Cindy to control.
So why do everything under the sun to free her alleged killer?
Because the control freak and the narcissist must have her way.
The media appearances by Cindy are one of the few areas she has any control of anymore. She approves the outlet, she approves the questions, and she is running the show. That’s the control freak in her. It's the same reason Casey is becoming bulimic in jail.The only control she has anymore is if and when she purges.
The narcissist in her worries about what people think of Cindy when they see Casey. In her mind a conviction against Casey is a conviction against Cindy and there is no way she will have that.
That is why Cindy will do everything in her power to see Casey walks free. It’s the ultimate control, She will hve Casey under her thumb forever, and Cindy gets to say I gave you life twice.
I agree with your observations. The power she holds in her life revolves around her perception of how the outside world sees her. If she feels that she will be viewed negatively due to her daughter's actions, then your conclusion concerning why she wants her daughter cleared of the murder charges is more than just a mother's love for her child.
ReplyDeleteYou worded you comment to well. Have you considered starting your own blog.