I find myself very concerned by the situation in North Korea. Kim Jong Il may be short on stature but his big on ambition and his ambition is to one day to rule the world. He sure loves to snub his nose at the United States. I think we are a strong enough country we can take some name calling, but this guy is moving beyond name calling to launching a missile that can hit our shores if he wants it to, he is set on restarting his country’s nuclear program and dead set on doing it in secret. This week he refused nuclear inspectors access to his program (sound familiar).
I am not a war monger. I firmly believe putting our soldiers in harm’s way is always a last resort. The men and women of our armed forces have been stretched too thin as of late but I fear we may not really have a choice. All the lies or bad intel depending on whose story you believe we got on Iraq actually applies to North Korea. This guy just doesn’t care who he kills to get what he wants. It’s not about gaining real estate or winning people over to what he feels is a better form of government. For him it is about ego and power. It’s not about leadership it’s about domination. Now he is saying he will consider any sanctions we place upon North Korea for this launch an act of war. Would he really start a war with the United States? Not directly but I wouldn’t put it past him to attack South Korea or Japan with would mean the immediate involvement of the US. What he would be doing is starting a war with us by proxy.
The problem of being in war with North Korea is they too have allies. Russia which I don’t think is in any position to jump into the fray and Red China. Could we take North Korea? Properly as quick as we took Iraq but China is the problem there. This is a country that outman’s us several times over. They have the same military technologies we do and more important they hold trillions of dollars of US debt that would crash our economy even worse if they called it in. Of course China would have a lot to lose too being as almost everything sold in the US is made there anymore. If I were president I would ask Hu Jintao to intervene and help protect both our interests in region. If we were involved in a war with North Korea China has as much to lose as we do.
That being said Kim Jong Il cannot be allowed to continue on his current path. I wonder how many lives both European and American would have been saved had we gone after Hitler 5 years before we did.
The question is do we wait for North Korea to put a war head on their next missile launch or do we enlist the help of the Chinese government to nip this in bud now?
Right now North Korea is like having pre-cancerous cells on our face. Do we remove them now with little pain and side effects or do we wait till they grow in to large tumors that will kill us. There has to be an answer in the middle and I wish I knew it.
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