I had a great deal of sympathy for Carrie Prejean after her deliberate and malicious censorship at the Miss USA pageant.
I made my feeling on this known in a piece called Lookout !!!! Here comes the GayKK
Well it appears she is no longer the PR prop of Perez Hilton. She is now the PR prop of the Christian right.
Perez Hilton may censored her but The Christian right is just plain using her.
If you have seen the commercial they are running it is clear they are willing to deny millions of Americans equal treatment under the law.
Gays and lesbians are American citizens first and homosexuals second. As American citizens they should receive every right, privilege, and protection any other citizen would. This not about sexuality it is about citizenship.
In their ad they use the scare tactic that gay marriage is bad for small business. I have racked my brain to figure out how this can be. I have tried to find some logic in this that could possibly explain that position and I just can't. I know of no business person who values the money of a gay married couple any less than the money of a heterosexual.
They say it is bad for religious groups. How? It's not like these people are members of your congratulation anyway. What's so sad is if you were less worried about what they do in bed as opposed to what they do in the world maybe they would be. Or are you only concerned with the souls that 100 percent agree with you. Using the same logic Jews, Muslims, or anyone else who is not a Christian is bad for religious groups too.
Perhaps the members of the Christian right are unfamiliar with George Washington's comment "The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense founded on the Christian religion". I think he has a better idea than any of us what our country was founded on.
The funny thing is most people do not discriminate against you for your beliefs, I know I don't. I don't hate you, I don't want censor you or impinge upon your right to speak any way. I just wish when you did it with same spirit of loving thy brother( no gay pun intended) that the savior you worship did.
As a member of the Christian right as you so profoundly put it, I feel strongly about the natural family unit of a male and female union. The descintergration of family values such as divorce and irrisponsible couples having children just proves that unions of the same sex is simply wrong for our society. You can't condem her for stating the obvious.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading and your comment.
ReplyDeleteI however don't see the correlation in same sex marriage and irresponsible people having children. If they find a way to do that naturally I want to hear about it.
I don't condemn Miss Prejean for stating her opinion. while I disagree with her position this is America and support her right to say to the death. I condemn her for nor realizing the manor in which she is being used.
I also don't see how same sex marriage effects the divorce rate of same sex couples.
Reader it is clear you and I have different viewpoints on the subject. I appreciate how well written and polite your response was on a topic that means a great deal to you. If the leaders of both sides of this issue could sit and talk the way you and I just have perhaps we might begin to understand each others viewpoints in ways we haven't even begun to.
You will always be a welcome guest of this blog.
Thank you again.