Drew Peterson is a lot of things.
Retired police Sargent.
Narcissist on par with Casey and Cindy Anthony.
Author of a best selling book on how to pick up women (well give him time).
Media darling or at least he probably thinks so, and now ventriloquist.
If you saw the interview with his 16 year old son Thomas than you know the kids mouth was moving but Drew's words were coming out. If this kid truly had something to say I would have loved to have heard it, but this was just a PR stunt on par with The Anthony's appearance on the CBS Morning Show. An attempt to win over prospective jurors in the up coming civil suit.
I feel bad for Drew Peterson's children. I cant imagine what it's like to lose my mother the way they did and have so many people convinced my father did it. I'm sure with every new TV appearance by Drew their lives get just a little harder.
I would like to give Thomas one thing to think about. The civil suit is not a way for your grandparents to hassle your father. It is more than taking money from him and giving it to you. It is a way to make the man whom they feel is responsible for the murder of your mother be held accountable until the legal system has the type of evidence that will stick.
Thomas the "best dad in the world" would have listened to what you have to say instead of writing a script for you.
Wow.Perhaps the average might need to raise or lower his dose of Prozac.