Every once in a while justice can be delayed without it being denied. I am of course referring to the Phil Spector case. The tragic truth of this case is everyone from his ex-wife Ronnie to The Beatles and The Ramones saw it coming decades ago and no one did a thing to stop it. Being an expert on music trivia (I know that and $17.50 will get me a cup of Starbucks) I have known Phil Spector would kill someone for years.
If Phil Spector were just an average person like you or I he wouldn’t be considered eccentric but would have been committed to a mental intuition years ago. From the stories of him stealing the master tapes of John Lennon’s Rock and Roll album to pulling a gun on the band the Ramones because they wanted to leave his house (kind of sounds like Lana Clarkson doesn’t it). If you or I had done that we would have been immediately prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
This brings up the issue of gun control for me. Before I’m haunted by the ghost of Charlton Heston and I have the NRA at my front door I agree with the statement that guns don’t kill people, people kill people.
Every word of that is true but there is a second part of that gets left out. Most of the people who kill others with a gun wouldn’t have for lack of a better word the “guts” to kill them another way. They wouldn’t lift a knife or a baseball bat to do it. It was the gun that made it easy for them to kill.
How many people would be alive today if this easy method of killing weren’t so easy to acquire. After all it doesn’t take much thought, energy, or guts to just bend your finger.
I think the framers would agree with me. In the early days of our country the purpose our keeping and bearing arms with to protect us from an oppressive government. While our government may have its share of problems I wouldn’t describe it as oppressive. I don’t think any of us have to keep a gun under our pillow lest we need to keep government agents from dragging us away in the middle of the night.
Times have changed and Phil Spector is the perfect example of what was once a great idea living past its time to come back and shoot us in the foot.
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