I almost find myself feeling bad for Jose Baez.
Say what you want he tries, boy does he try.
His ploy to get the death penalty off the table by trying to scare the citizens of Florida with a huge bill for the trial is the desperate attempt of a desperate man to outrage the public and taint the jury pool.
He knows as well as we do that if this is a death penalty case he is losing his media ticket. He is not qualified in the state of Florida to try a death penalty case and if he is booted off the case no one has a reason to put him on TV anymore.
As for the good people of Florida while I haven't seen any poles stating it I don't think they would mind footing the bill for a Casey Anthony death penalty trial. I think they like the rest of us want to finally get as close to the bottom of this case as we can get and if she's found guilty they would agree she should pay with her life.
My advice to Mr. Baez would be to stop talking about money and show us something that you or anyone else has not been able to produce thus far. Some evidence your client didn't kill her daughter.
In the past few years there have been several highly publizied mothers who drown or other wise killed their children. I'm not sure that any one them received the death penalty. Why are you so gun-ho about killing a young mother?
ReplyDeleteThe one I am most familiar with is Andrea Yates who was proven to meet the legal requirements for a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity. She truly was under the impression the only way to save her children from Satan was to send them to God.Unless you live in Texas we don't put the insane to death.
ReplyDeleteCasey is a different story. The fact that she tried to hide her actions eliminates the insanity defense.
If Casey is given life in prison she will have the opportunity to make friends,celebrate her birthday, and even get a college degree. These are all things her daughter will never get to do so why should she.
I have an incredible amount of sympathy for a woman who thinks she's being chased by Satan I however have none for a woman who kills her child and drives around for days with her rotting corpse in the trunk.
She committed the ultimate crime now let her pay the ultimate price.
Before I am accused of being a misogynist I would say the exact same thing for a father who committed the same crime.
The death penalty isn't about preventing murder it is about irreversible punishment for the most heinous of acts.