I am frighted by the news coming out of Pakistan.
How close are the Taliban to over throwing Pakistan?
Why should Americans care what the Taliban does? Because if they take over Pakistan they have access to and can use Pakistan's nuclear weapons as they choose.
These are people who do not take a lets agree to disagree attitude. These are people who want you dead if you don't subscribe to their brand of radical Islam. These are the people who have aided and abetted Osama Bin Laden.
Are you a woman with a college education and a good job? They want you dead.
Is Jesus Christ your personal lord and savior? They want you dead too.
Is Mohammad nothing more than than the guy who runs the corner store to you? Guess what they really want you dead.
When they took over the country of Afghanistan they made no secret about what they wanted or how far they are willing to go to get and keep it.
Having nuclear weapons in the hands of these people are a disaster in the making for every citizen of the world.
I hope President Obama will use every resource available to him available to aid Pakistan in preventing this from happening not just because they are a friend of the United States be because it is the right thing to do for them and us.
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