They must grow young women different down in South Florida. First we have Casey Anthony who the Orlando police detectives that interrogated her say she is the toughest nut they have ever tried to crack. And now we have Misty Misty Croslin Cummings. I want to how this 17 year old girl has outwitted both the local police and the F.B.I.
I wish there was a way for the disappearance and murder of a child to get national media coverage without turning the case into a circus. More on this in a bit.
First off I have seen nothing that even suggests this child was abducted. The first rule of any type of forensics is we go no place on the face of the earth without leaving something behind and bringing something with us. Where is the forensic evidence i.e. hair, fibers from clothing, shoe prints, dirt from shoes that doesn’t match the dirt around the trailer, tool marks on the door locks, or anything else you can think of from someone who didn’t belong in the home.
Why do I think this hasn’t been found? Because I don’t think it exists. Everyone keeps sticking to the time line of Ronald Cummings finding out his child was missing after he returned home from work. I don’t buy it. His 911 call sounds as rehearsed and polished as a person of his elk can make it.
Let’s suppose for a moment all the stories we have heard of Mr.Cummings being both a physically abusive spouse and father are true, it makes more sense that perhaps Hailey did any number of things he considered wrong before he went to work. Perhaps he smacked her hard enough that she fell and hit her head. He doesn’t strike me as a man who would cold bloody kill his child but he does strike as man who will lose his temper and act out of anger in a New York minute.
My feeling is this is what happened and he and Misty concocted the farce of her being abducted to cover their tracks. What I don’t understand is how haven’t the police broken these people? After all it’s not like Ron and Misty are the sharpest tools in the shed.
What really disgusts me about this case is I haven’t heard the term where’s Haily in weeks. I’ve seen her mother trash that father and father trash the mother and the mother’s attorney who is taking every opportunity to smile for the camera and trash anyone she can along with her bounty hunter Cobra. Maybe it’s just me but I’d take anything with not just a grain but a shaker of salt said by anyone who wished to known as Cobra. I have heard everything you can hear except WHERE IS HAILEY.
If no one else cars enough to ask I will. Where is Hailey Cummings?
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