I love Craigslist.
I have them to thank for the fact I have any clients at all.
When I started my computer business the only two things I had was an idea and the desire to be self employed. What I didn't have was an advertising budget. I was able to compete on equal footing with Geek Squad and the big computer businesses in my area because Cragislist let me advertise for free. Hardly a day passes that I don't get a call from a Cragslist ad. I'm sure you could fill pages with business who have the same story.
I love the Rants and Raves section. you'll find some the smartest people you have never heard of and some of the biggest morons ever patiently waiting for you.
I have gotten incredible bargains on televisions, ipods, computers, and anything else you can think of.
That's why it saddens me Craigslist is the one of the biggest pimps in America.
I think it cheapens it to have ad's for prostitutes in every major city in America.
Now they charge $5.00 an ad to post in their erotic services section. They are making money pimping prostitutes pure and simple. And if you don't believe the majority of these ads are from hookers just read a few.
Would Phillip Markoff have done what he did if there wasn't a Craigslist? I'm sure of it. But Craigslist made it easy for him to find his victims.
Personally I think if prostitution were legal and every town had a redlight district where the acts of prostitutes could be taxed, regulated, and the women were protected this whole argument would be moot.
Until that day the only way for Craigslist to have a happy ending is for them to stop selling happy endings in their Erotic Services Section.
It seems the Average Guy needs to raise or lower his Prozac. How disrespectful picking on a child.