If you can get past her valley girl voice Meghan McCain is actually worth listening to. She makes an excellent point in that the Republican Party’s biggest problem is the Democrats but the Republican Party itself. I was an Alex Keeton Jr. dyed s in the wool Republican myself until George W. Bush took office. I know consider myself to be a Republicrat. That’s a cross between a Democrat and A Republican. Fiscally I lean hard right. I think we need a strong Republican to lead us out of the coming depression, yet in all other areas I find myself identifying with the Democrats.
Ms. McCain is right when she says the party needs to change not just to survive but to any chance of thriving. The first step is the Party needs to stop being the mouth piece and the strong arm enforcer of the Christian right. As I recall there is supposed to be a separation of church and state and the Party has lost sight of this. One basic tenant this country was founded on is freedom of religion. Freedom of religion gives any of not to practice what the majority of others are and be penalized for it.
If you want to take Obama in 2012 get out of our bedrooms, get out of women’s doctors’ offices, get God out of politics and send him back to church where he belongs and tell us how you’ll fix our bank accounts. James Carville said it best. It’s the economy stupid. Keep your focus there and you may be able to fix things.
As for Meghan McCain from now on I’ll be watching and listening because it sounds like you actually have something to say and that puts you a step above Sarah Palin.
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