Here we go again another story about Rihanna. I’ll save my tirade about dancer’s getting recording contracts over singers for another time. It’s time to put the story of her beating and if you’ve seen the pictures, it was a beating to rest.
Suppose the story we all heard about her hitting Chris Browne first is true. I say so what. I am a 44 year old man who has had his share of relationships with woman. I have been cursed at, pushed, and even slapped by a woman. In my 44 years I have never laid my hands on a woman in anger.
I know it’s a crazy idea but maybe just maybe Chris Brown could have pulled the car over and walked away instead of beating the living shit out of her. Her statement to police makes his attack sound like a street fight. What is this girl Chris 110 pounds. Was she really any kind of physical threat to you? Was your life in danger?
Before Mark Geragos who is possibly the worst defense attorney second only to Jose Baez claims he saw his mother abused so he just did what comes naturally and needs treatment and punishment I don’t buy it. That’s the defense they use for child molesters and I don’t buy it from them either.
Heres the fact. Chris Brown kicked the shit out of a girl. Such a big man he can beat up his girlfriend. I wonder if he’s that tough around other men.
As far as Rihanna goes she doesn’t want to leave him because she loves him and her loves her. If she doesn’t get away from him what he’ll do is love her to death.
Men who hit women never do it once. It’s an instinct and a lifestyle. He may feel bad afterwards but not bad enough to not do it again if you look at him wrong or he considers you stepping out of line.
There are some women out there who truly don’t know who to turn to for help or have a way to support their children and we as society need to more for these women, But Rihanna isn’t one of those women. Unless she has really bad management she has the money to leave and leave now without blinking an eye.
Is Rihanna a role model? Not to me but to little girls yes. Honey if you didn’t want to be a role model you picked the wrong business. You are directly responsible for telling young girls its okay for a man to hit you, and for that I find Rihanna deplorable. Next time he beats you up it is your fault for staying and being there for it.
When Chris Brown kills you we’ll all watch the movie they make and move on with our lives. You’re not Elvis people will forget quickly.
Sometimes you have to take responsibility for saving your own life.
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