Palin in 2012? I hope not. her comments in Indiana recently unwarranted at best. Okay we get it you didn't have an abortion. You never miss that opportunity to remind us both you and you daughter didn't have an abortion. People are losing their homes and jobs Governor and I think their are more important things you could be discussing.
As for the issue of abortion I'll make my position clear so we can move on. I feel abortion is murder. I agreed whole heartily with Bush's ban on third term abortions. That being said this is only my opinion and I think abortion is every woman's right to choose. This is an important right that needs to be preserved.
So Governor if your making a bid for 2012 please stay of women's womb's and tell us your ideas for fixing the economy. If you want me to take your bid seriously I would like to hear how you would bring American jobs home where they belong.
I find it hard to believe a woman smart enough to become Governor of Alaska wouldn't take President Obama to task for his reversal of President' Bush's short sighted and frankly uninformed ban on Stem Cell Reseach.
A few words on President Obama. I never made any secret that I did not want to see him win this election. I just plain didn't think he had the experience to fix our current problems and frankly the comments of his wife and pastor made me see red. I knew from day one I would find a lot wrong with his presidency.
What's surprised me is how much I am finding right about it. Almost every week I find President Obama doing something that makes me say it's about time.
The first thing was his lift on the ban on stem cell research. Anyone who has problems with this life saving and enhancing research just plan never took the time to learn the facts.
I am pleased he is pulling us out of Iraq where there never was a threat to the US and is focusing on Afghanistan where there is a true threat to the US.
I thought his handling of the pirate situation was dead on ( no bad pun intended). There are many terrorists out that I'm sure think the US under Obama is an easy and open target. I think President Obama has taken one important step to prove this isn't true. He took decisive action and provided a proportional response.
I agree with the first steps he has taken with Cuba. The ban on Cuba has been as effective as the war on drugs. It's been decades and all we have have accomplished with it is making people leave on homemade rafts.
During the election I saw red when he would speak about talking to our enemies. I even made jokes about him having Osama Bin Ladin to white house for a state dinner. As I watch President Obama I'm starting to think that dialog is the important first step to understanding. It's a lot harder to hate someone when you have some common ground. He was smart enough to realize this before any of us ot at least me.
So far this man has taken office with a dignity and courage to change things that are important to the American people that we haven't seen in a few generations.
I used to get frustrated during the campaign with his whole hope and change speeches saying hope without the right type of change is just wishing. So far his changes for the most part have been the right kind and yes even I who was so against his winning am experiencing a bit of hope.
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