Today Diane Diamond put a up a question on her Facebook page that read:
Informal poll: Do you believe CraigsList CEO when he says “I would not describe any section of our site as ’sex related.’” He goes on to admit Craigslist has an "erotic services" section. Your thoughts?
I don’t think you can discuss Craigslist Erotic Services section without discussing prostitution.
Stating this prompted this reply to my post:
"Victimless crime must be stopped NOW, by any means necessary!"
The problem with that statement is more often than not prostitution is not a victimless crime and the victim is often the prostitute herself.
More and more men and women are victims of human trafficking within our borders. The U.S. Department of Education website says:
What Is the Extent of Human Trafficking in the United States?
Contrary to a common assumption, human trafficking is not just a problem in other countries. Cases of human trafficking have been reported in all 50 states, Washington D.C. , and some U.S. territories. Victims of human trafficking can be children or adults, U.S. citizens or foreign nationals, male or female.
According to U.S. government estimates, thousands of men, women, and children are trafficked to the United States for the purposes of sexual and labor exploitation. An unknown number of U.S. citizens and legal residents are trafficked within the country primarily for sexual servitude and, to a lesser extent, forced labor.
A great deals of these people are pimped on Craigslist. They are victims.
The man who visits a prostitute and doesn’t use a condom runs the risk of exposing anyone else he sleeps with to any number of sexually transmitted diseases including but not limited to:
Urinary Tract Infections
Genital Herpes
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
That woman who catches any of these diseases from her husband is a victim.
In theory I have nothing against prostitution. If this is how a woman chooses to make her living far be it for me say she shouldn’t be allowed to lease out her body. This is why in a previous post I said I am in favor of legalizing prostitution.
When a woman can work in a legal brothel where she has regular visits with a physician, use of condoms is enforced, and she is there by choice, two things happen:
1) It’s no longer a crime and 2) You reduce the victimology of prostitution by a good 99%.
Until that day the true number of victims of prostitution may never be known.
Legalizing and regulating prostitution, while probably a good idea, would do little to reduce forced human trafficking. Plus, such activity undoubtedly accounts for a small percentage of the prostitution "workforce" in the US.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment. I do however disagree that Legalizing and regulating prostitution would do little to reduce forced human trafficking. At least for sex workers.
ReplyDeletePart of the reason traffickers can do what they do is the fact that there is a black market for prostitution in this county. They can and function because "Johns" can't walk into a legal brothel.
If heroin were legal and it could be bought at 7-11 or your local liquor store you wouldn't have people selling on the streets, it would no longer be a black market item.
Thank you again for your reply.
So you stole a comment (from Facebook) which had nothing to do with legalizing prostitution and are using it out of context here in your attempt to create a blog site. Doesn't that make you something of a bottom feeder?
ReplyDeleteWell i have have been called a lot worse than a bottom feeder in my day but nonetheless I am sorry you feel that way.As for stealing the comment it was email directly to me. I did not use legalizing prostitution out of context I offered it as a solution to the victimization of what could be thousands of people. Thanks for reading.
ReplyDeleteHi Average Guy,
ReplyDeleteThanks for giving me your link. Diane is actually following up that comment with an article about how Craigs List IS used for prostitution. I agree with you on legalizing prostitution. I don't know if it would stop child trafficking in the US, because legalizing it would make it safer for adults. But it would be a start. The problem is the men who are pedofiles will continue to exist and I am not sure how to deal with this problem.
Thank you for your comments.
ReplyDeleteYour right in saying this wont stop the exploitation of children we'd have to shut down Yahoo Messenger for that to happen.
As for dealing with pedophiles I have a few ideas.
Longer prison sentences. Placing them in mental institutions after their prison time until such time as there is an effective cure or treatment for their disease and if we can't do that microchip them like dogs so we always know where they are.
I think if convicted of a sex crime against a child you should lose the right to own a computer as that is where a good deal of pedophiles find their victims.
Jeannine Thanks for reading.