As distasteful as it may be let the defense team of Melissa Huckaby exhume the body of Sandra Cantu. It is a shame the family has to go thru this but it extremely important that Melissa Huckaby gets a fair trial.
Let her private pathologist espouse all his theories about how the prosecution and the state pathologist got it wrong. The injuries the state said are evidence of rape could have happened from Sandra riding a bicycle, blah, blah, blah, and so on.
Why do we need to listen to all this. So once Melissa Huckaby is convicted and sentenced to death we won’t have to deal with an ineffective assistance of counsel appeal. We’ll just have to wait for the 20 years of appeals before she gets the hot shot she so richly deserves.
Her defense is beginning to take form. Now we are hearing how she was raped by a police officer when she was 18.
I have a great amount of sympathy for any woman who experiences the physical and emotional trauma of rape, but I find it an insult to any woman who has been raped to try to use this as a defense for the murder of an eight year old girl.
According to wikianswers.com 191,670 women were the victim of sexual assault in 2005 alone. These women have had a hard enough time regaining some semblance of normalcy without some pedophile using the horror they live with everyday as a ploy to stay off death row.
That being said I hope she does use this defense. I know that 12 decent people sitting in a jury box will see this defense for what it is and convict even faster because of it.
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