Thursday, April 30, 2009
You never really know someone till you meet them in court
I have changed my mind.
I fully am in favor of Senator Patrick Leahy placing members of the Bush administration on trail for the interrogation of terrorist suspects.
I think we should have a nationally televised trial where Senator Leahy and others can speak their minds to their hearts content on the subject.
Let them prosecute. convict, and sentence these people.
Than the next day let President Obama go on national TV and publicly pardon them and publicly thank them for their patriotism and their service to the United States. It wouldn't break my heart any if they got a medal while he was at it.
An open letter to the Christian right
I had a great deal of sympathy for Carrie Prejean after her deliberate and malicious censorship at the Miss USA pageant.
I made my feeling on this known in a piece called Lookout !!!! Here comes the GayKK
Well it appears she is no longer the PR prop of Perez Hilton. She is now the PR prop of the Christian right.
Perez Hilton may censored her but The Christian right is just plain using her.
If you have seen the commercial they are running it is clear they are willing to deny millions of Americans equal treatment under the law.
Gays and lesbians are American citizens first and homosexuals second. As American citizens they should receive every right, privilege, and protection any other citizen would. This not about sexuality it is about citizenship.
In their ad they use the scare tactic that gay marriage is bad for small business. I have racked my brain to figure out how this can be. I have tried to find some logic in this that could possibly explain that position and I just can't. I know of no business person who values the money of a gay married couple any less than the money of a heterosexual.
They say it is bad for religious groups. How? It's not like these people are members of your congratulation anyway. What's so sad is if you were less worried about what they do in bed as opposed to what they do in the world maybe they would be. Or are you only concerned with the souls that 100 percent agree with you. Using the same logic Jews, Muslims, or anyone else who is not a Christian is bad for religious groups too.
Perhaps the members of the Christian right are unfamiliar with George Washington's comment "The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense founded on the Christian religion". I think he has a better idea than any of us what our country was founded on.
The funny thing is most people do not discriminate against you for your beliefs, I know I don't. I don't hate you, I don't want censor you or impinge upon your right to speak any way. I just wish when you did it with same spirit of loving thy brother( no gay pun intended) that the savior you worship did.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
A bunch of little Bin Ladens
I am frighted by the news coming out of Pakistan.
How close are the Taliban to over throwing Pakistan?
Why should Americans care what the Taliban does? Because if they take over Pakistan they have access to and can use Pakistan's nuclear weapons as they choose.
These are people who do not take a lets agree to disagree attitude. These are people who want you dead if you don't subscribe to their brand of radical Islam. These are the people who have aided and abetted Osama Bin Laden.
Are you a woman with a college education and a good job? They want you dead.
Is Jesus Christ your personal lord and savior? They want you dead too.
Is Mohammad nothing more than than the guy who runs the corner store to you? Guess what they really want you dead.
When they took over the country of Afghanistan they made no secret about what they wanted or how far they are willing to go to get and keep it.
Having nuclear weapons in the hands of these people are a disaster in the making for every citizen of the world.
I hope President Obama will use every resource available to him available to aid Pakistan in preventing this from happening not just because they are a friend of the United States be because it is the right thing to do for them and us.
100 Days of Change
I'm sure you don't need me to tell you today marks the first 100 days of President Obama's first term.
I have made no secret on this blog and to people who know me I didn't want him to win the election.
I have also made no secret that he has pleasantly surprised me.
100 Days is enough time to either make the American public give you chance or begin to write you off.
I find it disturbing he has had such a tough time getting a cabinet together.
I do not agree with his stimulus package. I think there are much smarter idea's we should be trying.
I feel it was wrong to release the memo's on terrorist suspects interrogations for a variety of reasons.
I think he should have fired Janet Napolitano for her insulting comments about the people who protect our freedom. These are only my opinions he's President and I am not.
All that being said he has done quite a few things right in my opinion as well.
Preparing to end our presence in Iraq gets a big thumbs up from me.
Sitting down to the table and trying to find common ground with the rest of the world and changing our countries image gets the same thumbs up.
His handling of the pirate situation was the right thing at the right time.
The fact he wants credit card agreements written in plain language to protect you and I from hidden increases in interest that could break a lot of people gets a check mark in approve column from me.
It's only 100 days but he has done with it is sure impressive to me.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
SVU Is No Threat To You
I’m sure Jose Baez will scream bloody murder about tonight’s episode of SVU claiming it is just one more example of the media trying to convict his client in the court of public opinion but this is a 15 minute discussion at best.
While this story is of course loosely based on Casey somehow they morphed it into a lecture on vaccinations. That’s TV at its best. Take two things people care about, throw them in a blender, water them down, and fit it in 45 minutes.
I thought Gail O’Grady did a great job as Cindy portraying her control freak personality to a tee.
Mandy Moore would have been more believable in this role than Hillary Duff but I’m sure that’s something I’m sure she been hearing for years.
They even reference George’s suicide attempt.
I say let’s give this show the one day of discussion it deserves and move on to more important topics.
Mr. Baez no one holds a bad TV show against your client. We hold the fact she drove around with her daughter decomposing in the trunk against her.
That's The Money You Could Save By Taking The Death Penality Off The Table
I almost find myself feeling bad for Jose Baez.
Say what you want he tries, boy does he try.
His ploy to get the death penalty off the table by trying to scare the citizens of Florida with a huge bill for the trial is the desperate attempt of a desperate man to outrage the public and taint the jury pool.
He knows as well as we do that if this is a death penalty case he is losing his media ticket. He is not qualified in the state of Florida to try a death penalty case and if he is booted off the case no one has a reason to put him on TV anymore.
As for the good people of Florida while I haven't seen any poles stating it I don't think they would mind footing the bill for a Casey Anthony death penalty trial. I think they like the rest of us want to finally get as close to the bottom of this case as we can get and if she's found guilty they would agree she should pay with her life.
My advice to Mr. Baez would be to stop talking about money and show us something that you or anyone else has not been able to produce thus far. Some evidence your client didn't kill her daughter.
Monday, April 27, 2009
One More For The End Of The Road
In an all too familiar story the April 20th edition of the Las Vegas Sun website reported:
An 18-year-old UNLV student has died from injuries suffered late Wednesday in a crash involving a suspected drunken driver.
The Clark County Coroner’s Office identified the student as Lindsay Mychael Bennett of Las Vegas, who died after she was struck by a driver going the wrong way shortly before 9:30 p.m.
The cause of her death was several blunt force trauma injuries from the collision, a spokeswoman for the coroner’s office said. She died of her injuries Friday night, authorities said today.
This happened a few days before her 19th birthday.
The driver in a suspected DUI crash that killed an 18-year-old UNLV student has been identified as 45-year-old Vladimir Lagerev.
Lagerev was booked into the Clark County Detention Center on charges of death from DUI alcohol, involuntary manslaughter and no proof of insurance, according to detention center records.
I do not agree with charging this man with involuntary manslaughter. I think he and any drunk driver who kills someone should be charged with first degree murder. I think if you get behind the wheel of a car drunk you have made a decision that it is worth someone dying for you to get home from the bar.
Driving drunk is just like walking into several crowed movie theaters with a loaded gun and firing random shots. You may not hit someone the first 30 times you do it but eventually you’re going to hurt or kill someone.
A death resulting from drunk driving should be a mandatory life without parole sentence. Will that keep people from driving drunk? About as much as the death penalty has stopped murder. What it will do is take one criminal who endangers the life of everybody who is unlucky enough to be on the same road and make sure he or she never has the chance to do it again.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
He Fell Hooker,Line,and Sinker
Today Diane Diamond put a up a question on her Facebook page that read:
Informal poll: Do you believe CraigsList CEO when he says “I would not describe any section of our site as ’sex related.’” He goes on to admit Craigslist has an "erotic services" section. Your thoughts?
I don’t think you can discuss Craigslist Erotic Services section without discussing prostitution.
Stating this prompted this reply to my post:
"Victimless crime must be stopped NOW, by any means necessary!"
The problem with that statement is more often than not prostitution is not a victimless crime and the victim is often the prostitute herself.
More and more men and women are victims of human trafficking within our borders. The U.S. Department of Education website says:
What Is the Extent of Human Trafficking in the United States?
Contrary to a common assumption, human trafficking is not just a problem in other countries. Cases of human trafficking have been reported in all 50 states, Washington D.C. , and some U.S. territories. Victims of human trafficking can be children or adults, U.S. citizens or foreign nationals, male or female.
According to U.S. government estimates, thousands of men, women, and children are trafficked to the United States for the purposes of sexual and labor exploitation. An unknown number of U.S. citizens and legal residents are trafficked within the country primarily for sexual servitude and, to a lesser extent, forced labor.
A great deals of these people are pimped on Craigslist. They are victims.
The man who visits a prostitute and doesn’t use a condom runs the risk of exposing anyone else he sleeps with to any number of sexually transmitted diseases including but not limited to:
Urinary Tract Infections
Genital Herpes
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
That woman who catches any of these diseases from her husband is a victim.
In theory I have nothing against prostitution. If this is how a woman chooses to make her living far be it for me say she shouldn’t be allowed to lease out her body. This is why in a previous post I said I am in favor of legalizing prostitution.
When a woman can work in a legal brothel where she has regular visits with a physician, use of condoms is enforced, and she is there by choice, two things happen:
1) It’s no longer a crime and 2) You reduce the victimology of prostitution by a good 99%.
Until that day the true number of victims of prostitution may never be known.
This woman can’t win for losing.
Everyone got so upset when it looked like she would be living off our tax dollars.
So she sets up a deal for a reality show.
Now everyone hates that.
Would you prefer she go on welfare?
Remember you didn’t like that idea either?
The argument against her having a show is it exploits the kids. Using that logic lets yank Jon and Kate Plus 8, Little People Big World, and Gene Simmons Family Jewels off the air. They have kids that are part of the show too. If it’s okay for them why isn’t alright for Octomom?
Now the newest “controversy” is she may have been a stripper for a year. I couldn’t tell you how many women worked their way thru Medical and Law School as strippers. Supporting your kids is just a good reason to strip as getting a college degree in my book. Should we plaster those women all over the news too if they happen to have a high profile practice?
If you don’t like the idea of her getting a show change the channel when it comes on, but don’t criticize the woman for coming up with a way to support her liter without taking one penny of your money to it.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Because I'm The Mommy That's Why!!!!!!!
I’m sting here watching the week end repeat of the Nancy Grace Show and it finally dawned on me what I feel the true motivation of George and in particular Cindy Anthony is in the staunch defense of their daughter.
If you listen to Leonard Padila who by the way is one of the very few people to spend time with family away from the media glare, Cindy runs the house.
I think it is a fair assessment to call Cindy Anthony a control freak and a narcissist. Go back to the first Today Show appearances about the time Caylee’s disappearance was first known. You will notice a pattern that follows every time the Anthony’s appear before the media. Cindy is the mouth piece and George rarely speaks unless spoken to.
I have no doubt that Cindy loved Caylee as if she were her own daughter because after all she practically was.
Tot mom (sorry to steal your phase Ms. Grace) may have been the bio mom but Cindy was Caylee’s mom where it counted.
Caylee was one more person for Cindy to control.
So why do everything under the sun to free her alleged killer?
Because the control freak and the narcissist must have her way.
The media appearances by Cindy are one of the few areas she has any control of anymore. She approves the outlet, she approves the questions, and she is running the show. That’s the control freak in her. It's the same reason Casey is becoming bulimic in jail.The only control she has anymore is if and when she purges.
The narcissist in her worries about what people think of Cindy when they see Casey. In her mind a conviction against Casey is a conviction against Cindy and there is no way she will have that.
That is why Cindy will do everything in her power to see Casey walks free. It’s the ultimate control, She will hve Casey under her thumb forever, and Cindy gets to say I gave you life twice.
The Jerry Lee Lewis of Bolingbrook
Drew Peterson is a lot of things.
Retired police Sargent.
Narcissist on par with Casey and Cindy Anthony.
Author of a best selling book on how to pick up women (well give him time).
Media darling or at least he probably thinks so, and now ventriloquist.
If you saw the interview with his 16 year old son Thomas than you know the kids mouth was moving but Drew's words were coming out. If this kid truly had something to say I would have loved to have heard it, but this was just a PR stunt on par with The Anthony's appearance on the CBS Morning Show. An attempt to win over prospective jurors in the up coming civil suit.
I feel bad for Drew Peterson's children. I cant imagine what it's like to lose my mother the way they did and have so many people convinced my father did it. I'm sure with every new TV appearance by Drew their lives get just a little harder.
I would like to give Thomas one thing to think about. The civil suit is not a way for your grandparents to hassle your father. It is more than taking money from him and giving it to you. It is a way to make the man whom they feel is responsible for the murder of your mother be held accountable until the legal system has the type of evidence that will stick.
Thomas the "best dad in the world" would have listened to what you have to say instead of writing a script for you.
Friday, April 24, 2009
A Cheap TV. A New Client. And A Happy Ending?
I love Craigslist.
I have them to thank for the fact I have any clients at all.
When I started my computer business the only two things I had was an idea and the desire to be self employed. What I didn't have was an advertising budget. I was able to compete on equal footing with Geek Squad and the big computer businesses in my area because Cragislist let me advertise for free. Hardly a day passes that I don't get a call from a Cragslist ad. I'm sure you could fill pages with business who have the same story.
I love the Rants and Raves section. you'll find some the smartest people you have never heard of and some of the biggest morons ever patiently waiting for you.
I have gotten incredible bargains on televisions, ipods, computers, and anything else you can think of.
That's why it saddens me Craigslist is the one of the biggest pimps in America.
I think it cheapens it to have ad's for prostitutes in every major city in America.
Now they charge $5.00 an ad to post in their erotic services section. They are making money pimping prostitutes pure and simple. And if you don't believe the majority of these ads are from hookers just read a few.
Would Phillip Markoff have done what he did if there wasn't a Craigslist? I'm sure of it. But Craigslist made it easy for him to find his victims.
Personally I think if prostitution were legal and every town had a redlight district where the acts of prostitutes could be taxed, regulated, and the women were protected this whole argument would be moot.
Until that day the only way for Craigslist to have a happy ending is for them to stop selling happy endings in their Erotic Services Section.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Re victimizing the people we want to help
Tonight I had a very interesting conversation with a woman who along with her child had been a crime victim. Her story belongs to her and until she wishes to publicly share it we’ll keep it that way.
One thing she talked about was how seeing her case and similar cases on the news forced her to live thru the crime again all over again.
This got me thinking. Since I started my blog I am a part of the media. A small part but a part just the same.
When I write about Melissa Huckaby would it hurt the parents of Sandra Cantu if they had seen it? Am I re victimizing Mrs. Cantu? I fear maybe I am and if so I am sorry for that. I feel this woman has gone thru enough pain without some jerk on the internet or a CNN reporter talking about her daughter’s killer.
When we report on cases like this yes we remind surviving victims their loved one is gone forever. I hope we also draw attention to the killer and apply public pressure to see that after their fair trial they get the harshest sentence possible. I wonder if Casey Anthony would be facing the death penalty again if the case wasn’t featured on Nancy Grace almost every night.
I hope we are teaching the lesson to the Melissa Huckaby’s, Casey Anthony’s, or Phillip Markoff’s in the making that you are not as smart as you think you are and there is still time for you to get the help you need before you hurt or kill someone.
I write because I want to be read. TV news both local and national isn’t as much about informing as it is about selling advertising, but that doesn’t mean we don’t do a genuine public good as well. We are showing criminals that you will be caught and the price of your 15 minutes of fame is prison.
I think with every story we bring forward on violent crime we make our communities just a little safer.
I’m sorry if that means re victimizing you. I feel for your pain and I wish all victims all the relief and recovery they can find. Even if we in the media slow that process down for you hopefully we are helping to prevent the next victim and that I hope you will understand and agree with that.
Nuremberg, DC
If we are going to place members of the Bush administration on trial let’s do it for they did wrong not what they did right.
I have said it before even if we tortured terrorists so what. If these interrogation techniques prevented even one more attack like the World Trade Center they were worth it.
The F.B.I. and the C.I.A have the unenviable position of being silent heroes on the war on terror. We only hear about the few things they missed and we never hear about how many terrorist attacks they stopped dead in their tracks because someone finally gave up the information after being waterboarded.
Sen. Leahy and others who would prosecute the people who saved untold numbers of American lives seem to me like they are only trying to make a name for themselves. I wonder if Sen. Leahy would be so quick to do so if his wife or one of his children had been in the twin towers that day.
If you are going to prosecute members of the Bush administration how about doing it for lying to the American public and getting us into a war that we had no business fighting. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and while I have no proof of it is my feeling is this was known all along.
So I say again if we are going to place members of the Bush Administration on trial let’s do it for what they did wrong not what they did right.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Hugh Hefner of Hooterville
Is it just me or does seem like every other day were hearing about another woman Ronald Cummings has been involved with. Now we are finding out of one of the women "Cobra" bailed out of jail is the mother of a one year old disabled boy Mr. Cummings has all but ignored until he needed some good PR.
I think this shows Mr. Cummings real attitude toward children. They are pawns to get what you want. What they are really good for is getting back at woman who walked out on you or to smile with before the media.
I can only hope he cracks and he cracks soon because all to few stories on Ron Cummings end with where is Haleigh.
Since when did hot dogs become Chinese Food
It seems even the babies born in our local hospitals have a sticker in their neck that reads made in China.
It is a loteasier to ask what isn’t made in China anymore.
Please don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against China or its people. I admire the position they have cut out for themselves not just as a super power but as an economic force to reckon with. Remember when America was an economic force to be reckoned with too?
I understand that some people because of finances have no choice but to go Wal-Mart or the dollar store and buy a cheap plastic dish or worse tonight’s dinner made from foods that were made in China. The truth is I’ve been there myself.
Beside the destruction this is doing to our economy, the other problem with it is Chinese manufacturing and safety standards are subpar compared to our own here at home. Americans are getting sick and dying from Chinese made products like milk, baby formula, the paint in our children’s toys, to the dry wall in our homes.
I am the guy who would stand on his roof with a megaphone screaming buy American till I lost my voice and then start a recording of the same message.
The problem with buying American is it’s a lot like going green.
It’s a wonderful idea that most people agree with and they do what they can to reduce their carbon footprint, but it just isn’t practical to ride a bicycle on the 25 mile commute to the office.
I would like to see us all try to increase our American footprint.
I do what I can.
I try to shop at local shops instead of Wal-Mart or other large chains. I do my best to keep the money I spend as close to my own neighborhood as possible.
If there are any American cars companies left when I’m ready to buy again it will be made in America.
I try to go to Mom and Pop coffee shops and restaurants instead of a chain.
These are only small first steps we can take to recover our economy. The largest journey begins with a single step.
I would like everyone who reads this to try something for me.
For one day please make everything you buy an American made product. Than please let me know how much more you paid for that product and how far out of your way you had to go to find it.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
How to fix our economy in 7 days
LOOK OUT!!! Here comes the GayKK
Losing the Miss USA pageant may have just been the best thing to happen to Carrie Prejean. If she had won I’d have no idea who she is. From what I can tell she did lose because of her answer. It appears she was penalized by Perez Hilton.
Let’s face it the Miss USA Contest is about bouncing breasts in a small bikini. There has never been a pageant winner who has represented me in anyway nor are pageant winners designed to represent us.
I could see if Perez Hilton gave her a zero because the wording of her answer wasn’t as articulate as it could be. She appeared nervous and did stumble over her words but that wasn’t the reason he gave her a zero. He gave her the zero the censor her because he didn’t like what she had to say.
In a previous blog I have made my position on gay marriage clear. It sickens me gays are treated as second class citizens but I am just as sickened by censorship in any form by anyone.
Mr. Hilton the first amendment of the Constitution of The United States guarantees us free speech; it is what allows you to do what you do without fear of reprisal or censorship. The same thing it does for you it does for Miss Prejean and every other citizen. By attempting to censor her you actually placed any progress the issue of gay marriage back a few steps.
Perhaps you would have more progress with an intelligent debate after the fact than you did trying to be a pink Nazi.
I don’t agree with Miss Prejean’s position but I will defend her right to scream it from the mountain tops to the death.
Monday, April 20, 2009
And the award for best couple in a drama goes to
They must grow young women different down in South Florida. First we have Casey Anthony who the Orlando police detectives that interrogated her say she is the toughest nut they have ever tried to crack. And now we have Misty Misty Croslin Cummings. I want to how this 17 year old girl has outwitted both the local police and the F.B.I.
I wish there was a way for the disappearance and murder of a child to get national media coverage without turning the case into a circus. More on this in a bit.
First off I have seen nothing that even suggests this child was abducted. The first rule of any type of forensics is we go no place on the face of the earth without leaving something behind and bringing something with us. Where is the forensic evidence i.e. hair, fibers from clothing, shoe prints, dirt from shoes that doesn’t match the dirt around the trailer, tool marks on the door locks, or anything else you can think of from someone who didn’t belong in the home.
Why do I think this hasn’t been found? Because I don’t think it exists. Everyone keeps sticking to the time line of Ronald Cummings finding out his child was missing after he returned home from work. I don’t buy it. His 911 call sounds as rehearsed and polished as a person of his elk can make it.
Let’s suppose for a moment all the stories we have heard of Mr.Cummings being both a physically abusive spouse and father are true, it makes more sense that perhaps Hailey did any number of things he considered wrong before he went to work. Perhaps he smacked her hard enough that she fell and hit her head. He doesn’t strike me as a man who would cold bloody kill his child but he does strike as man who will lose his temper and act out of anger in a New York minute.
My feeling is this is what happened and he and Misty concocted the farce of her being abducted to cover their tracks. What I don’t understand is how haven’t the police broken these people? After all it’s not like Ron and Misty are the sharpest tools in the shed.
What really disgusts me about this case is I haven’t heard the term where’s Haily in weeks. I’ve seen her mother trash that father and father trash the mother and the mother’s attorney who is taking every opportunity to smile for the camera and trash anyone she can along with her bounty hunter Cobra. Maybe it’s just me but I’d take anything with not just a grain but a shaker of salt said by anyone who wished to known as Cobra. I have heard everything you can hear except WHERE IS HAILEY.
If no one else cars enough to ask I will. Where is Hailey Cummings?
No funny tag line
As distasteful as it may be let the defense team of Melissa Huckaby exhume the body of Sandra Cantu. It is a shame the family has to go thru this but it extremely important that Melissa Huckaby gets a fair trial.
Let her private pathologist espouse all his theories about how the prosecution and the state pathologist got it wrong. The injuries the state said are evidence of rape could have happened from Sandra riding a bicycle, blah, blah, blah, and so on.
Why do we need to listen to all this. So once Melissa Huckaby is convicted and sentenced to death we won’t have to deal with an ineffective assistance of counsel appeal. We’ll just have to wait for the 20 years of appeals before she gets the hot shot she so richly deserves.
Her defense is beginning to take form. Now we are hearing how she was raped by a police officer when she was 18.
I have a great amount of sympathy for any woman who experiences the physical and emotional trauma of rape, but I find it an insult to any woman who has been raped to try to use this as a defense for the murder of an eight year old girl.
According to 191,670 women were the victim of sexual assault in 2005 alone. These women have had a hard enough time regaining some semblance of normalcy without some pedophile using the horror they live with everyday as a ploy to stay off death row.
That being said I hope she does use this defense. I know that 12 decent people sitting in a jury box will see this defense for what it is and convict even faster because of it.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Some straight talk about Adam and Steve
Being an atheist I can say with what I feel is certainty that God didn’t make Adam and Steve. God may not have made them but biology did. People act like homosexuality is something new. It’s been here since we have been here and it’s not going away either.
This brings us to the issue of Gay Marriage. As far as I’m concerned it’s really a non issue. We don’t tell blacks they can’t marry. We have no laws on interracial marriage or on any religious groups getting married. The only people left in America who faces discrimination for simply being who they are the gay and lesbian community. As far as I am concerned as a private citizen it is not my place to put restrictions on what two consenting adults do behind a closed door.
I have known gay people over the years and this is what I found out. The only difference between them and me was who they loved. If we are essentially the same why should I have the right to marry and protect the person of my choice with health insurance, life insurance, and the knowledge that I am respected for being nothing more than being who and what I am.
Earlier I called this a non issue and say this because it goes beyond being a simple issue. It’s a travesty that millions of Americans are being denied to the fundamental right to live their lives to the same full extent you and I do. If we were doing this based on the color of someone’s skin we’d all be up in arms, but we act like it’s ok to do it based on someone’s sexuality and that sickens me. If we are to truly be that land of free and the home of the brave we shouldn’t discriminate against anyone for anything.
At the end of the day is the gay married couple living next door to hurting you in any way?
I know the standard argument it sets a bad example for the children. Lord knows we wouldn’t want our kids learning to judge people by their deeds and actions as opposed to who they sleep with.
And of course there has never been a boy who grew up in a happy two parent family who turned out to be gay has there?
Elections and laws are about making things better for America (or at least they are supposed to be) not for keeping one very large segment our population second class citizens.
Thank you for calling Dell this is "Dave"
Okay I’ll start of by saying this is a completely selfish one but the first job to bring back to America is computer tech support. I repair computers for a living and tonight I had to call Dell for a client’s laptop. So whom do I end up speaking to? “Dave” in India. I’m sure his name is Dave about as much as mine is Patel.
Call me crazy but I think if you have but I think if you have trouble with a product of an American Company you should be able to speak to an American about it. Not only is an insult to the value of my dollar to have to speak to India when I have a problem you just plain can’t understand them and they get an attitude with you when you ask to speak with an agent in the US.
I am as close to an expert on computers as any one person can be and I can tell you these people are not knowledgeable and are untrained. They have no idea what term customer service means and 9 out of 10 times you have to tell them if you follow the suggestion they just made to you, it will make the problem worse.
Plain and simple if you’re an American company and I gave you my hard earned money for your product let me speak to an American when it needs fixing.
What companies like Dell and others who ship tech support jobs overseas need to learn is what little you are saving in salary you are losing in brand loyalty.
He's gone and done it again
Once again I have to put another check mark in the he did something right column for President Obama. I like the idea of reaching out to our enemies depending on of course which enemy is it is. Personally I see nothing wrong with extending the hand of friendship to Hugo Chavez. Unless I’m mistaken the worst thing he has done is call George W. Bush the devil and frankly you don’t have to go to Venezuela to hear that statement. There are plenty of people here at home that would be glad to tell you the same thing.
As far as I can tell the worst thing that can happen in having Mr. Chavez as a friend of the US is we have one less enemy. Perhaps we may even learn how his country has all but wiped out the use of gasoline and how his country runs almost exclusively on renewable energy.
As far as starting talks with Raul Castro I’m all for that too. I don’t think President Obama is asking for too much from Cuba and apparently either do they as they are willing to talk.
I like how President Obama seems not to put taking a put up or shut up attitude with these people. The US for reasons both real and imagined has had a tainted for too long and I see the President doing what he can to fix this. Perhaps we may be moving into an era of understanding of who we are as a people and what we stand for that other people can relate to.
In his speech today the President said he is making sure that our nation is a leader, not a lecturer, of democracy. I can buy that whole heartily provided he doesn’t make the same mistake President Bush did which is force democracy on people who want it. It’s time for us to face that are people out there who don’t want freedom and wouldn’t know what to with it if they had it. As long as their governments aren’t a threat to the American people I say leave them alone and find what common ground we have with them.
It wouldn’t hurt my feelings any if for the first time in a long time more people liked the US than didn’t.
The Spector looming over you is your cellmate Bubba
Every once in a while justice can be delayed without it being denied. I am of course referring to the Phil Spector case. The tragic truth of this case is everyone from his ex-wife Ronnie to The Beatles and The Ramones saw it coming decades ago and no one did a thing to stop it. Being an expert on music trivia (I know that and $17.50 will get me a cup of Starbucks) I have known Phil Spector would kill someone for years.
If Phil Spector were just an average person like you or I he wouldn’t be considered eccentric but would have been committed to a mental intuition years ago. From the stories of him stealing the master tapes of John Lennon’s Rock and Roll album to pulling a gun on the band the Ramones because they wanted to leave his house (kind of sounds like Lana Clarkson doesn’t it). If you or I had done that we would have been immediately prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
This brings up the issue of gun control for me. Before I’m haunted by the ghost of Charlton Heston and I have the NRA at my front door I agree with the statement that guns don’t kill people, people kill people.
Every word of that is true but there is a second part of that gets left out. Most of the people who kill others with a gun wouldn’t have for lack of a better word the “guts” to kill them another way. They wouldn’t lift a knife or a baseball bat to do it. It was the gun that made it easy for them to kill.
How many people would be alive today if this easy method of killing weren’t so easy to acquire. After all it doesn’t take much thought, energy, or guts to just bend your finger.
I think the framers would agree with me. In the early days of our country the purpose our keeping and bearing arms with to protect us from an oppressive government. While our government may have its share of problems I wouldn’t describe it as oppressive. I don’t think any of us have to keep a gun under our pillow lest we need to keep government agents from dragging us away in the middle of the night.
Times have changed and Phil Spector is the perfect example of what was once a great idea living past its time to come back and shoot us in the foot.
Like uh Republicans are like sooooo cooool
If you can get past her valley girl voice Meghan McCain is actually worth listening to. She makes an excellent point in that the Republican Party’s biggest problem is the Democrats but the Republican Party itself. I was an Alex Keeton Jr. dyed s in the wool Republican myself until George W. Bush took office. I know consider myself to be a Republicrat. That’s a cross between a Democrat and A Republican. Fiscally I lean hard right. I think we need a strong Republican to lead us out of the coming depression, yet in all other areas I find myself identifying with the Democrats.
Ms. McCain is right when she says the party needs to change not just to survive but to any chance of thriving. The first step is the Party needs to stop being the mouth piece and the strong arm enforcer of the Christian right. As I recall there is supposed to be a separation of church and state and the Party has lost sight of this. One basic tenant this country was founded on is freedom of religion. Freedom of religion gives any of not to practice what the majority of others are and be penalized for it.
If you want to take Obama in 2012 get out of our bedrooms, get out of women’s doctors’ offices, get God out of politics and send him back to church where he belongs and tell us how you’ll fix our bank accounts. James Carville said it best. It’s the economy stupid. Keep your focus there and you may be able to fix things.
As for Meghan McCain from now on I’ll be watching and listening because it sounds like you actually have something to say and that puts you a step above Sarah Palin.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
It's always the little guy
I find myself very concerned by the situation in North Korea. Kim Jong Il may be short on stature but his big on ambition and his ambition is to one day to rule the world. He sure loves to snub his nose at the United States. I think we are a strong enough country we can take some name calling, but this guy is moving beyond name calling to launching a missile that can hit our shores if he wants it to, he is set on restarting his country’s nuclear program and dead set on doing it in secret. This week he refused nuclear inspectors access to his program (sound familiar).
I am not a war monger. I firmly believe putting our soldiers in harm’s way is always a last resort. The men and women of our armed forces have been stretched too thin as of late but I fear we may not really have a choice. All the lies or bad intel depending on whose story you believe we got on Iraq actually applies to North Korea. This guy just doesn’t care who he kills to get what he wants. It’s not about gaining real estate or winning people over to what he feels is a better form of government. For him it is about ego and power. It’s not about leadership it’s about domination. Now he is saying he will consider any sanctions we place upon North Korea for this launch an act of war. Would he really start a war with the United States? Not directly but I wouldn’t put it past him to attack South Korea or Japan with would mean the immediate involvement of the US. What he would be doing is starting a war with us by proxy.
The problem of being in war with North Korea is they too have allies. Russia which I don’t think is in any position to jump into the fray and Red China. Could we take North Korea? Properly as quick as we took Iraq but China is the problem there. This is a country that outman’s us several times over. They have the same military technologies we do and more important they hold trillions of dollars of US debt that would crash our economy even worse if they called it in. Of course China would have a lot to lose too being as almost everything sold in the US is made there anymore. If I were president I would ask Hu Jintao to intervene and help protect both our interests in region. If we were involved in a war with North Korea China has as much to lose as we do.
That being said Kim Jong Il cannot be allowed to continue on his current path. I wonder how many lives both European and American would have been saved had we gone after Hitler 5 years before we did.
The question is do we wait for North Korea to put a war head on their next missile launch or do we enlist the help of the Chinese government to nip this in bud now?
Right now North Korea is like having pre-cancerous cells on our face. Do we remove them now with little pain and side effects or do we wait till they grow in to large tumors that will kill us. There has to be an answer in the middle and I wish I knew it.
Friday, April 17, 2009
The next Selena?
Here we go again another story about Rihanna. I’ll save my tirade about dancer’s getting recording contracts over singers for another time. It’s time to put the story of her beating and if you’ve seen the pictures, it was a beating to rest.
Suppose the story we all heard about her hitting Chris Browne first is true. I say so what. I am a 44 year old man who has had his share of relationships with woman. I have been cursed at, pushed, and even slapped by a woman. In my 44 years I have never laid my hands on a woman in anger.
I know it’s a crazy idea but maybe just maybe Chris Brown could have pulled the car over and walked away instead of beating the living shit out of her. Her statement to police makes his attack sound like a street fight. What is this girl Chris 110 pounds. Was she really any kind of physical threat to you? Was your life in danger?
Before Mark Geragos who is possibly the worst defense attorney second only to Jose Baez claims he saw his mother abused so he just did what comes naturally and needs treatment and punishment I don’t buy it. That’s the defense they use for child molesters and I don’t buy it from them either.
Heres the fact. Chris Brown kicked the shit out of a girl. Such a big man he can beat up his girlfriend. I wonder if he’s that tough around other men.
As far as Rihanna goes she doesn’t want to leave him because she loves him and her loves her. If she doesn’t get away from him what he’ll do is love her to death.
Men who hit women never do it once. It’s an instinct and a lifestyle. He may feel bad afterwards but not bad enough to not do it again if you look at him wrong or he considers you stepping out of line.
There are some women out there who truly don’t know who to turn to for help or have a way to support their children and we as society need to more for these women, But Rihanna isn’t one of those women. Unless she has really bad management she has the money to leave and leave now without blinking an eye.
Is Rihanna a role model? Not to me but to little girls yes. Honey if you didn’t want to be a role model you picked the wrong business. You are directly responsible for telling young girls its okay for a man to hit you, and for that I find Rihanna deplorable. Next time he beats you up it is your fault for staying and being there for it.
When Chris Brown kills you we’ll all watch the movie they make and move on with our lives. You’re not Elvis people will forget quickly.
Sometimes you have to take responsibility for saving your own life.
There is a bible verse that reads:
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
Notice how it says a time for silence?
As I have stated in previous posts I agree with quite a bit of what President Obama has done and applaud a more open door policy on what our government is doing to whom, but the release of how we interrogate terrorist suspects should have remained classified.
These are people that would gladly walk into a public building and blow up themselves and everyone else around them. I have no sympathy for these people. We haven’t had an attack on our shores since 9/11 and I’m sure the info we gained from these interrogations were a huge part of it.
Call me cruel but I’d rather see someone water boarded than have that same person or someone he knows walk into a building that my five year old daughter happens to be in and blow it up.
The world has changed. Our enemies and their tactics have changed and we need to change along with them so you can sit in McDonald’s in New York City, dance in a night club in Los Angeles, or take an Amtrak train to Chicago and not worry about being blown to bits.
The fact remains while we should aspire to as much transparency as possible there are things that have to remain secret in the interest of national security.
Junk Science
Ever notice how defense attorneys always call forensic science junk science unless it it’s being used to free their client from death row.
The latest person the jump on this band wagon is Jose Baez. Mr. Baez please stop insulting our intelligence. Are you and you alone privy to some knowledge that the scientific community at large isn’t? In law school between torts and writs were you trained in the processing of DNA and how to analyze it?
I have one big question for you Mr. Baez .If a hair belonging to Jesse Grund has been found within 5 miles of Caylee’s body or a fingerprint belonging to Amy Huizenga were found on a coke bottle within two miles would it still be junk science? I don’t think so.
Hulk Hogan and The Spirt Of Christ
Hulk Hogan speaks about how in his Rolling Stone interview he spent three days talking about living in the spirit of Christ. While I am not a Christian myself I do know enough about Jesus to say he would never identify with OJ Simpson nor understand slitting a woman’s throat because she is divorcing you.
Maybe I have it wrong but I was under the impression that Jesus was about love and forgiveness. This sure doesn’t sound like the spirit of Christ to me. If he really thinks this perhaps he should spend a few years with someone who is highly trained in the spirit of Sigmund Freud.
This is what happenes when Sarah Palin thinks for herself
Palin in 2012? I hope not. her comments in Indiana recently unwarranted at best. Okay we get it you didn't have an abortion. You never miss that opportunity to remind us both you and you daughter didn't have an abortion. People are losing their homes and jobs Governor and I think their are more important things you could be discussing.
As for the issue of abortion I'll make my position clear so we can move on. I feel abortion is murder. I agreed whole heartily with Bush's ban on third term abortions. That being said this is only my opinion and I think abortion is every woman's right to choose. This is an important right that needs to be preserved.
So Governor if your making a bid for 2012 please stay of women's womb's and tell us your ideas for fixing the economy. If you want me to take your bid seriously I would like to hear how you would bring American jobs home where they belong.
I find it hard to believe a woman smart enough to become Governor of Alaska wouldn't take President Obama to task for his reversal of President' Bush's short sighted and frankly uninformed ban on Stem Cell Reseach.
A few words on President Obama. I never made any secret that I did not want to see him win this election. I just plain didn't think he had the experience to fix our current problems and frankly the comments of his wife and pastor made me see red. I knew from day one I would find a lot wrong with his presidency.
What's surprised me is how much I am finding right about it. Almost every week I find President Obama doing something that makes me say it's about time.
The first thing was his lift on the ban on stem cell research. Anyone who has problems with this life saving and enhancing research just plan never took the time to learn the facts.
I am pleased he is pulling us out of Iraq where there never was a threat to the US and is focusing on Afghanistan where there is a true threat to the US.
I thought his handling of the pirate situation was dead on ( no bad pun intended). There are many terrorists out that I'm sure think the US under Obama is an easy and open target. I think President Obama has taken one important step to prove this isn't true. He took decisive action and provided a proportional response.
I agree with the first steps he has taken with Cuba. The ban on Cuba has been as effective as the war on drugs. It's been decades and all we have have accomplished with it is making people leave on homemade rafts.
During the election I saw red when he would speak about talking to our enemies. I even made jokes about him having Osama Bin Ladin to white house for a state dinner. As I watch President Obama I'm starting to think that dialog is the important first step to understanding. It's a lot harder to hate someone when you have some common ground. He was smart enough to realize this before any of us ot at least me.
So far this man has taken office with a dignity and courage to change things that are important to the American people that we haven't seen in a few generations.
I used to get frustrated during the campaign with his whole hope and change speeches saying hope without the right type of change is just wishing. So far his changes for the most part have been the right kind and yes even I who was so against his winning am experiencing a bit of hope.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I just fell off the turnip truck today
I'm sitting here watching Nancy Grace and I am disgusted at how stupid defense attorneys think the general public is. Today this guy is sitting there with a straight face saying Casey's partying during the the 31 THIRTY ONE days her daughter was "missing" isn't reverent and is only being brought up to smear her.
Mr. here's a lesson for you anyone who has seen episode of Law and Order knows. It speaks to motive. It speaks to the fact that she wasn't concerned about finding her child because she already knew where she was.
It speaks as loud as Scott Peterson telling Amber Fry his wife was dead. It speaks as loud as Stacy Peterson going missing after telling Drew she wanted a divorce.
It's speaks loud enough that the only person who can't hear it is a defense attorney.
Mr. Baez there is only one way to win this case. Plead your your client out to involuntary manslaughter claiming an accident and save her life.
Everyone forgets that Casey is facing up 60 years for the bad checks. With all the publicity Casey has gotten I'm sure she'll get every day of it.
A special note about Nancy Grace. I had only caught her show a couple times and quite frankly found her to be obnoxious. Well Nancy I have been watching you every night since this case broke and I see the frustration you have when you ask a straight question to a defense attorney and you get an answer that has nothing to with you asked. Keep up the good work !
BTW Nancy i have a fantastic idea for your show both you and the network would love.
More Steroids Please
Terry Bollea is the poster child for steroid induced brain damage. Not just in his O.J Simpson statement to Rolling Stone Magazine but also what I assume was supposed to be an explanation for said statement.
I'm one of the people who is lucky enough to have never seen his reality show but if his wife's claims are true two things are clear 1) He suffers from roid rage and 2) He is a classic abuser on par with with Simpson.
Jane Velez Mitchell said it best he should take his head wrap and crawl under a rock and disappear.
I hope we are not seeing another O.J. or Robert Blake in the making but i fear we are.
I'm afraid the only way to prevent this may be to have his son Nick drive him home.
You can't turn a screw with a hamer!
Everyday I watch the news and I pay great attention to the state of the economy. Everyday I find myself a bit more disappointed at how things are going. I find the stimulus package to at best in effective. The idea behind a stimulus is to stimulate and I don't see that happening. What I see is our country heading for a real depression and my opinion is maybe that's just what this country needs. Harsh words I know but I do have a reasoning no matter how skewed it may. The financial foundations of our country are rotten to their core. If you know anything about construction you know no matter how great a building you place on a bad foundation it will crumble. Right now no matter what we place on our foundation it is still bad and leaves anything placed upon it to crumble.
I do have some ideas on how to fix our foundations.
First and foremost we need to go back to being a nation of producers instead of a nation of consumers. Common sense will tell you people get the money to consume from the goods they produce. i.e. I work, I get a paycheck, I spend my paycheck. Now this brings up another issue labor unions. They have to be either broken or adept a whole new attitude. Once upon a time labor unions we one of the greatest friends the American worker had but as of late all they have accomplished is out pricing American labor. Is it any wonder so many companies ship our jobs overseas with what the unions charge for American labor. What would happen to our economy if just 50 percent of our unemployed people made less than the unions are charging for labor but they were working? I'll tell you an economic boom. I wish I could take credit for this phrase and I remembered where I heard I'd give the proper credit but it goes like this. We will not have economic recovery in this country until there is a sticker on most products sold here that reads MADE IN AMERICA BY AMERICANS. Ask yourself this? Would you Gladly pay $ 20.00 more for your next television if it had that sticker ? I would.
Next step CLOSE OUR BORDERS. If you have illegals who can be used as slave labor to keep from paying a citizen a decent wage plain and simple your taking a job away from am American here at home. We have real problems that need to be solved. Before we can worry about anyone Else's problems we need to solve our own. I know the Statute of Liberty says to give me yourtired your hungry and your poor. The problem is that describes us right now. We need to help ourselves before we can help others.
Common Sense In Hard Times
It doesn't take an economist to tell we are in the toughest times we have seen since the depression. More businesses are folding than ever. There people however that try to take advantage of this.
United Airlines now wants to charge extra for overweight passengers sitting rising fuel costs. Give me a break. If obesity is considered a disability under the law I would think it would be a violation under the Americans With Disabilities Act. This is absurd at best. If i weigh 75 pounds can I get a discount because it takes less fuel to fly me than someone who weighs 250 pounds. I doubt they will do that.
In in airport you can't be profiled for the color of your skin, your religion, or even your style of dress but United Airlines wants to profile you and tax you for the size of your ass. I see a lawsuit coming and good luck to whom ever brings it.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Today's Jane Velez Mitchell
I wonder if these types of shows put defense attorneys on the show for the comedic value. These are people who would say with a straight face that the men who crucified Jesus aren't guilty of murder because Jesus carried his own cross with means he committed suicide by crucifixion.
The defense attorney on Jane's show had me laughing out loud. Just once I'd like to hear a defense that doesn't insult my intelligence. This woman was saying there is no autopsy finding that shows murder. I think it's a safe assumption Caylee didn't die of old age. Or is it more reasonable to assume she commited suicide and duct taped her mouth and tripple bagged herself.
What no one has said is Casey is a serial killer in the making. If she had gotton away with Caylee's death Casey would become a black widow. She would marry and kill men for their life insurance.
If they didn't break up I'm sure Jesse Grund would have been her 1st victim. There has never been a guy luckier to break up with his girlfriend than Jessie Grund.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Casey Anthony getting Death?
Is this a ploy to get her to take a plea? I don't think she could get a plea deal if she begged and pleaded at this point. There are far too few cases where prosecutors will take a case all the way and this is one of them. The Orange County DA's Office has garnered a great deal of respect by the way they have handled Caylee's death and they have earned it. Maybe just maybe they put death back on the table because this woman murdered her own child, drove around with her body in the trunk of her car and dumped her in makeshift pet cemetery.
Jose Baez
I have heard of Keystone cops but this guy is the Keystone lawyer. He seems to be involved in some odd competition with someone someplace to see who can look the most stupid in front of a camera. I can't believe the things that come out of this man's mouth. Can anyone answer for me has this guy ever won a case.
I understand that under our system of justice every person is entitled to a competent defense (that leaves Mr. Baez out) and it is better that 1000 guilty people go free as not to convict one innocent one, but i will never understand how anyone with the slightest interest in justice or slightest bit of self respect can defend a Casey Anthony.
What does this guy think ? If he get her off she'll marry him. If she does I'll bet dollars to donuts he'll be dead in few years of an unexplained heart attack along with anyone else Casey would later marry.
It appears Jose Baez is to the practice of law what Joan Baez is to good rock n roll. I bet the DA's office secretly loves this guy. With Baez at the helm of the defense they could almost phone their case in.
Melissa Huckaby
Poor Melissa Huckaby. Crying in court as the charges are read against her. Having to hear about all the things she did. If you haven't figured out I'm kidding yet this woman is a waste of skin. It appears she feels so bad for Sandra Cantu but not so bad as not to rape her with God knows what and murder her. I can only hope she will receive the same treatment as any man who committed this crime. We need equal rights for this woman. Any man who did this would be getting a lethal injection and my only regret is I can't push the plunger on the syringe for her. If there is such a place as hell I can promise you Melissa Huckaby will be the hostess at the door.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
More On Sandra Cantu
Well i am very surprised at how this turned out. I and alot of other people were wrong on this one. Once again kudos to the Tracy police dept. From what I can tell they did everything right on this one. They left no stone unturned and they got their killer. It would be ridiculous to say that the arrest will help Sandra's family heal or use the term closure. But I hope they have some small amount of solace in fact this woman will never see the light of day.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Sandra Cantu
What can really be said here that carries the gravity of what happened to this poor child. Tragedy doesn't begin to cover it. I was expecting the Tracy police to name a suspect today. At least thats what HLN was reporting. I have seen alot of people being very critical of the Tracy police dept and I think it has been completely uncalled for. It's clear these men and women have busted their rumps to try to find this little girl alive and as close to well as possible and instead of a pat on the back they get name calling from a bunch of arm chair quaterbacks.
Let's assume that Sandra's killer is a pedofile with record and I'm sure he or they will turn out to be Sandra's death is not a faliure of the Tracy Police but a failure of our court system, prison system,
and our law makers.
Here are the facts. Pedophila is disease. Not only is there not a cure but there isn't even an effective treatment. Once a pedofile always a pedofile. How many more children need to be murdered before these guys start getting life without parole on the first sentence. If we can't do that I am all for letting them serve their time in prison and be released directly to mental institutions under they die of natural causes.
How many Sandra's have to die before we fix this?
Let's assume that Sandra's killer is a pedofile with record and I'm sure he or they will turn out to be Sandra's death is not a faliure of the Tracy Police but a failure of our court system, prison system,
and our law makers.
Here are the facts. Pedophila is disease. Not only is there not a cure but there isn't even an effective treatment. Once a pedofile always a pedofile. How many more children need to be murdered before these guys start getting life without parole on the first sentence. If we can't do that I am all for letting them serve their time in prison and be released directly to mental institutions under they die of natural causes.
How many Sandra's have to die before we fix this?
Friday, April 10, 2009
Zanni's Civil Suit
I'm sitting here watching Jane Valez Mitchell or Nancy Lite as I like to call her and watching the Anthony's Depositions in The Zanni Suit. As I have made very clear thus far I am not a fan of these people at all, but I do have to say this about Zanni suit. It is absolutely unfair what is being done to these people in these depositions. The lawyer for Zanni is just as bad as Leonard Padilla in my opinion. Here we have another guy who has nothing in the world to do with this case inserting himself into to make a name for himself. I think it's a pretty sad satate of affairs when someone can ride the death of a little girl to bank. If this is how the man sees the practice of law, to explot the death of a child he is no one I would ever want representing my interests in anything. If he wants to work for DA 's Office so bad and try cases perhaps he should give up his private practice. if not when George and Cindy said she isn't the one that should have been the end of the deposition.
Casey Anthony Case
I have been following this case from almost day one. In fact it this case that got me watching the Nancy Grace Show. I have never had any doubt whatsoever in Casey's guilt in her daughter's death. It was clear from the beginning the child was dead and Casey did it. I applaud Nancy Grace for how she jumped on this case and gave it the type public exposure that will ensure Casey's conviction. Charles Manson and his girls may have even been pleaded down to lesser crimes if their case didn't receive the public espouse it did. I won't pretend shows like Nancy Grace aren't all about getting ratings for their respective networks but they do serve a purpose and have even changed the way our legal system works a small degree. But, I digress back to Casey.
I think one aspect of this case that has been sorely ignored by Ms. Grace and the rest of the mainstream media is the involvement of George, Cindy, and Lee Anthony in this case. It is my opinion that while they had nothing to do with Caleigh's death they are as guilty or more guilty than Casey after her death. They have most certainly obstructed justice at every turn and insulted the intelligence of not just investigators but the general public in the flat out stupid and desperate statements they have made to investigators and the press. I am surprised at the sympathy they continue receive. These people are plainly accessories after the fact. In cases like this there are two things you can always count on. Opinions and facts. Here is a fact. After calling police and telling them "it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car" what does Cindy Anthony do? She washes all her daughters clothes that are in the trunk. Any person with a smallest bit of intelligence would know if the car smelled of a dead body anything in the car is evidence. I assume Cindy is an intelligent woman having been college educated and received her degree as a Registered Nurse. I don't know her background as a nurse but I am assuming she at the very least did an ER rotation. I'm sure if she did she was taught the importance of preserving evidence. If she didn't learn that in the hospital setting I would think at some point her homicide detective husband would have mentioned it. I would really like to know if once the investigators got the clothes from the trunk were they damaged by bleach? Why is this so important? Because anyone who has ever worked in a hospital knows that a 10 to 1 solution of bleach and water kills anything. This is just whats used to sanitize the counters in hospital labs where blood and urine is tested. I'm sure Cindy was aware of this after all I am.
I think Casey's family kniw for alonf time that the child was dead and that thier daugther killed her and they have done everything in their power to concel evidence, to lie about indisputable facts, and generally try to free a cold blooded child killer. It is my opioion they are as disgusting as their daughter.
I think one aspect of this case that has been sorely ignored by Ms. Grace and the rest of the mainstream media is the involvement of George, Cindy, and Lee Anthony in this case. It is my opinion that while they had nothing to do with Caleigh's death they are as guilty or more guilty than Casey after her death. They have most certainly obstructed justice at every turn and insulted the intelligence of not just investigators but the general public in the flat out stupid and desperate statements they have made to investigators and the press. I am surprised at the sympathy they continue receive. These people are plainly accessories after the fact. In cases like this there are two things you can always count on. Opinions and facts. Here is a fact. After calling police and telling them "it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car" what does Cindy Anthony do? She washes all her daughters clothes that are in the trunk. Any person with a smallest bit of intelligence would know if the car smelled of a dead body anything in the car is evidence. I assume Cindy is an intelligent woman having been college educated and received her degree as a Registered Nurse. I don't know her background as a nurse but I am assuming she at the very least did an ER rotation. I'm sure if she did she was taught the importance of preserving evidence. If she didn't learn that in the hospital setting I would think at some point her homicide detective husband would have mentioned it. I would really like to know if once the investigators got the clothes from the trunk were they damaged by bleach? Why is this so important? Because anyone who has ever worked in a hospital knows that a 10 to 1 solution of bleach and water kills anything. This is just whats used to sanitize the counters in hospital labs where blood and urine is tested. I'm sure Cindy was aware of this after all I am.
I think Casey's family kniw for alonf time that the child was dead and that thier daugther killed her and they have done everything in their power to concel evidence, to lie about indisputable facts, and generally try to free a cold blooded child killer. It is my opioion they are as disgusting as their daughter.
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