I think I must be a rarity or at the least a very peculiar person for the times I live in.
I can honestly say I do not judge people by the color of their skin, which God they choose to worship or not, where they buy their clothes, who they go to bed with, or any other criteria you can use to lump people together. I judge people not by their words but by the things I see them do.
This is why my dislike for Carrie Prejean grows on a daily basis.
She is the perfect example of do as I say and not do as I do.
She is a liar and not even a good one at that.
When her first semi nude photos surfaced, she flat out lied about being a minor when they were taken in a poorly thought out ploy to keep them from being seen. Everybody knew this was a lie the second she said it.
For a woman who claims the morality of being Biblically correct in deciding who and who should not be allowed to marry she sure doesn’t take the moral high ground when it comes to getting naked for the camera for a shot at her 15 minutes of fame.
To take it a step further if she really was 17 when the topless photos were taken that is an even bigger statement on her morality or lack of it.
Now the latest set of photos featuring full frontal nudity are out and poor Carrie stands at the microphone lambasting the photographer for taking her picture as the wind blew her vest open.
Come on Carrie. It was a breeze strong enough to blow your cloths open but in the picture you never break pose and your hair isn’t blowing in the wind.
It’s been said by more than one person no one ever went broke by under estimating the intelligence of the American public, but Carrie not one of us is dumb enough to believe that.
I am waiting with baited breath to hear her explain how she was tricked into making the raunchy video of her that’s about to be released, and how it really wasn’t her fault.
If Carrie Prejean is the role model for young Christians I feel bad for young Christians. I think she has tainted the public’s perception of Christians in a sad and ugly way.
She is in the same camp as Jim Baker, Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Haggard, and every other huckster who hides under the banner of Christianity to get what they want at the time but doesn’t live up to any of its ideals .
Carrie Prejean is not a role model she is just another media whore with nothing of value to add to any conversation. She should do what she does best. Close her mouth and open her shirt.
hahahaha... the case is all settled after they played her solo sex tape.
ReplyDeleteNow she says it was the biggest mistake of her life.
She's nothing but a lying, little, Sodomite herself.
I couldn't agree more