There has been no one that has been harder on Casey Anthony and her family than I have been. I have said in no uncertain terms I believe she is guilty of murder and deserves the death penalty. The latest batch of evidence released has me questioning my position. I am not saying she is innocent at this point but I am asking some questions I wasn’t before.
First off the forensic evidence has proven to my satisfaction that she did not place her daughter’s body at the dump site where she has found.
Casey Anthony’s demeanor the entire length of this case has proven she isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. I know for a fact she isn’t smart enough to fool the best forensic minds of both the local and federal authorities who processed the crime scene who could not trace back one single solitary microscopic fiber to anything Casey Anthony owns.
Not to blow my own horn but I consider myself a fairly smart man and I could not think of a way to evade or fool the best forensic minds our country has to offer and I ask this question, could you either.
If you and I can’t do it I assure you Casey couldn’t either.
Where are the cell phone pings we have all heard so much about in every area of this case that do not place her anywhere near that wooded area.
I see no major news show admitting their mistake on this. They have simply been acting like this exculpatory evidence doesn’t exist. No one is asking the question if the state was wrong about how Caylee’s body was disposed of what else could they be wrong about?
Today on Nancy Grace they went on a personal attack on Jose Baez that made even me blush. They went into a long tirade about his child support, something to do with a check he once wrote and a bunch of other things that have nothing to do with this case. I have launched some vile attacks against Mr. Baez myself but only about things that apply to this case.
Everyone made such a big deal about the Motion for a Change of Venue made today and engaged in such speculation as to its deeper meaning. The deeper meaning of it is that is what any competent attorney would if their client received the same attention Casey has.
Again I am not proclaiming Casey’s innocence but I am finally ready to listen with an open mind to her defense team.
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