I have had occasion recently to speak to a high profile defense attorney and someone very close to the Casey Anthony case. I asked both these people how they would defend Casey if she were their client. That got me thinking about how I would defend Casey Anthony If I had to.
Please keep in mind I am not a lawyer. I have never even played one on TV. I know just enough about legal matters to have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about.
I have made my feelings about this case quite clear in previous blogs. I simply found it an interesting experiment to see if I could stand by Casey’s side with a straight face for a little while.
The Opening Statement
The best you can hope for in an opening statement is to take every single piece of damming evidence the state has and assure the jury that you will provide reasonable answers that explain the true meaning of that evidence. The only thing you ask for in return is to please pay the same attention to those explanations that they did the media coverage. There is a story to be told here. Its story you haven’t heard yet, and it’s a story that you need to hear. I am convinced that once you hear it you will see fit to acquit Casey Anthony on the charge of murder not just in the first degree, but will agree there is no way she could have physically harmed her daughter.
Evidence Leading Up To Caylee’s Disappearance
The first thing the prosecution is going to do is present the computer searches on how to make chloroform, neck breaking, household items as weapons, est. The first thing is do not impinge the integrity of the computer forensic investigators. You have lost any argument you have the second you do that. There is a reasonable expiation for what the investigators found on Casey’s computer.
Will you the reader please open a new tab or page in your web browser and go to http://google.com. Please do a Google search for Hiren’s Boot CD 9.8. The first listing is for a site called http://www.hiren.info/pages/bootcd
Please pay attention to the BIOS / CMOS Tools.
What these tools do is allow you to crack and remove the password on someone’s computer if that password is at the boot level.
The next section I’d like you to look at is Password Tools. What these tools do is allow you to bypass a users Windows log in. Using this tool I could sit down to your computer and log into your Windows User account as you and your computer wouldn't know I wasn’t you.
Now please go to http://download.com and search for a program called Get/Set File Time/Datestamps
What this program does is change the creation date, time, and last access time and date of any file on your computer.
Using this program I could sit down at your computer and type your confession to shooting John F. Kennedy and create a file creation date of November 22, 1963. Your computer wouldn’t know it wasn’t true and if your computer ever fell into the hands of a forensic examiner they would have no choice but to say your computer shows you confessed to killing president Kennedy that day it happened.
These are tools any 9 year old that know how to web search can download.
How would anyone but Casey have access to her laptop? Casey was promiscuous and a drunk on top of it.
There were many occasions Casey was passed out at someones home and any one could have anything to her computer.
Who would do such a thing? The real killer. This person is smart enough to fool even some of the best computer forensic examiners in the country. The investigators were absolutely right about what was on Casey’s computer they were just wrong about how it got there.
Thirty One Days of Fun
The fact of the matter is Casey never wanted to have a baby. Yet she couldn’t kill her fetus, she wanted to place the baby up for adoption. It was her mother who micro managed every aspect of Casey’s life that forced her to keep Caylee. The fact of the matter is Casey was glad when Caylee was kidnapped. It allowed her to live the life having a child robbed her of. She was happy to have Caylee be someone else’s problem for a while. This makes her guilty of the worst kind of child neglect it does not any way make her guilty of murder. Remember Casey could have killed the child she didn’t want in the womb and no one would have been the wiser. When you see Casey partying during that thirty one days all you see is the Casey that was there before Caylee was born. That is the simple explanation.
No Forensic Evidence At The Dump Site
Anyone who has ever watched Forensic Files knows you go no place on the face of the earth without leaving something behind or taking something with you. Even more important is the fact that if you own a cell phone you have tracking a device on you at all times. Where are the cell phone records that show Casey spent any amount of time what so ever at that site. If the state had them we all would have known about it way before now. Every single shoe Casey owns did not show a soil match for that site.
The Autopsy
The medical examiner says Caylee died of homicide by undermined means. If you cannot determine the means by which someone died you can’t say it was homicide. There is absolutely no way to say Caylee didn’t choke to death on a cookie, or have an allergic reaction to a peanut. I spoke with the offices of 10 Medical Examiners across the country the day I wrote this and not one could give me a technical explanation of homicide by undermined means. It’s a buzz word and a catch phrase that doesn’t mean a thing.
The toxicology results show Caylee wasn’t drugged. The only test not performed was for chloroform because it is a normal component of decomposition and she would have shown a false positive. Is it just a coincidence that the agent the state claims was the murder weapon is the one thing they can’t test for?
The Smell In Car
It is impossible to deny that cadaver dogs hit on that car or thatsCaylee’s body was in the trunk. When Casey was too drunk to drive and parked at the Amscot Check cashing she was so inebriated she left her keys in an unlocked car. The state has not shown from the time Casey parked to the time it was towed that no one had access to that car. To say it was Casey who had the body in the trunk is impossible until you can prove that one else was in that car until it was towed and the state has not met its burden on that count.
Closing Statement
The fact of the matter is the Casey Anthony we all saw walk into jail was a spoiled, narcissistic, 22 year old alcoholic. I wonder if you know anyone that meets the exact same description. The Casey you see sitting before you today is older, wiser, sober, and through the type of reflection that can only come from great pain has learned quite a few life lessons. I would ask you to focus on that Casey now. Did anything I said here make you think twice about this case? Is it clear that the state has not met its burden of proof in charging Casey with first degree murder?
When deciding her guilt ,for any of the evidence to make sense, it all has to make sense and there is just too much of the state’s case that does not make sense.
If we as a society are going to pass judgment on Casey Anthony let’s do it in separate trial for child neglect. Let’s not convict her for something the best legal minds the state of Florida has to offer could not prove she did.
It was an interesting experiment for me. Did you buy any of this? If you did there is a guy in Orlando who wants you on his jury.
Interesting, experiment, scifi, and far fetched... can you possibly give enough information to let her escape charges that the Orlando Police tried so hard to arrest her on? Don't start unfounded rumors that undermine the prosecutors case.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment. While I am always glad to hear from readers of this blog I'm afraid I don't follow your train of thought.
ReplyDeleteWhen you say scifi I am assuming you are referring to the section on computer forensics. There is no fiction about what I wrote. I am only stating a possibility.By mo means am I saying it is likely.
As to it being far fetched please show me what high profile defense isn't. Actually I found my defense pretty good in asking the jury to convict for child neglect and not murder. My reason for this is after all the media coverage this case has received the public is demanding Casey's pound of flesh. The trick is to try to keep it to a pound.