I got into what could have been a very interesting discussion today with a lady on Diane Diamond’s Facebook page. Ms. Diamond asked about legalizing Marijuana. (It seems if I ever make a penny on this blog I’m going to owe Ms. Diamond a royalty).
But this blog isn’t about legalizing drugs. For the record I’m for it. If you care to read my comments they were:
Great topic. As a recovering drug addict who has been sober for 15 years now I am in total favor of legalizing not just marijuana but all drugs. Prohibition doesn't work that has been proven time and time and again, Think how many people we could put to work making it. We could tax it.Also if it were legal the price would come down to the point where junkies wouldn't have to steal to feed their habits. For the first time we would have a real chance of regulating it's use. And more important if it's legal there goes half the appeal. When was the last time you saw a guy hanging around a school yard trying to push a six pack of beer.
This blog is about intolerance of other peoples opinions. I knew any chance of interesting discussion was over the second I saw the sentence “I am a Christian”.
It seems to me for too many Christians have no idea what it really means to be a Christian.
This woman spoke of morality. Well morality is subjective. What is moral to me may be repugnant to you and vise versa. Most people out there can understand that and not think ill of someone simply because they disagree on a group of subjects.
It seems to me a great many Christians want to legislate their version of morality and the rest of us be dammed (both figuratively and literally) if we don’t agree.
Being a Christian is more than thinking you have a passkey to heaven because Jesus died on the cross.
Being a true Christian is about loving your neighbor as you love yourself. It is about forgiveness and leading not just by example, but also not silencing people who don't agree with you. It is not about thinking you have some kind of moral lead over the rest of us.
A popular phrase I hear a lot is what Jesus would do. From what little I know of Jesus he would have the gay couple from next door over for dinner. He would be able to separate what he considered sin from the sinner. He would not stand outside an abortion with a sign damming the woman in it but would hug the woman leaving it. He would understand not everyone believes as he believes nor hold that lack of belief against them. That’s what I gathered from the parts of the bible I have read.
Perhaps many Christians don’t subscribe to the fact they are Americans first and Christians second. Because we are all Americans we have to live with the opposing viewpoints that are guaranteed by the First Amendment. There is no group whose ideals and morals that makes me sicker than Neo Nazi’s. That being said I will fight to the death for their right to speak. It is their right under the constitution. It seems to me far too many Christians forget this. They take a my way or no way attitude toward their fellow Americans.
That is not what Jesus would do. What Jesus would do is try to find some common ground and love his neighbor regardless of their political beliefs, sexual orientation, or which God they prayed or didn’t pray to.
Very nicely said, Drew.
ReplyDeleteAnd you don't owe me a thing! Just keep writing.
Diane Dimond
ps - love the photo!