It’s been a long time in the coming but Drew Peterson is finally behind bars for the death of his third wife and it looks like charges may be coming down the line for his fourth wife too.
Where do you begin with this guy? His narcissism is unrivaled. This guy makes Casey Anthony look like she has an inferiority complex.
For the record not only do I think he did it but I think he’s proud of it too.
I can honestly see him walking out of court if he’s acquitted and looking right into the camera and saying f#%! you all I did it.
He wants us all to know what he did. He just doesn’t want to go to prison for it.
Unfortunately that is a real possibility.
At this point the only real evidence against him is his attitude. I say that because there is going to be a knock down drag out legal battle as to see if Kathleen Salvio’s and Stacy Peterson’s statements to friends, family, and even their pastors can be admitted. I feel it would be a shame if they weren’t but that is for the judge to decide.
I think the real reason he was arrested at this point and time is the grand jury was about to disband and it has become a now or never situation. His defense will scream that from the roof tops. This could really go in his favor and that would be a crying shame.
Lucky we have a great system of justice in this country that allows 12 people good and true to convict on pure hate alone. If that’s how we have to get this guy I can live with it.
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