Casey Anthony may be one of the most hated people on the planet second only to Hitler or maybe the guy who said yes Mr. President Obama care is a great idea.
I have spoken to so many people on this case who feel she should have just been locked away and not even waste the time it would take for a court to convict her. This disturbs me greatly, not because I have any great love for Casey Anthony or think she’s innocent but because when you have this many who publicly want to supersede the Justice System we have a complete breakdown of one of the fundamental principles of our country. The right to have our day in court and face our accusers.
Have you ever been accused of something you didn’t do. It can be as simple as drinking the last bottle of water or eating the last apple. Now take that a step further and say a co-worker you have had friction with ends up missing and is found dead. Now let’s say it’s public knowledge you had friction with this person and you end up as a suspect based on that alone. Sound far fetched. Death Row’s in every state have people who were sent there for a lot less. I’m including a link here Linda Kenny Baden was kind enough to send me.
This is just one example. The history of our courts is filled with cases like this.
Please do not mistake what I about to say as my proclaiming Casey Anthony’s innocence I am not. I firmly believe she is 100 percent guilty, but I couldn’t tell you just what she is guilty of and the state of Florida appears to have no idea either. They have presented supposition disguised as facts and have played up the hate factor to this jury.
The testimony of Dr. Vass is a great example. I’ll stipulate there may no one who is more expert in human decomposition than Dr. Vass but his air sampling of the trunk of Casey’s car should have never been admitted into evidence not because it isn’t a good test but because no other independent scientific body has been able to confirm or refute the validity of findings using this method. Why is that so important? Because when you or someone you love is sitting in a court room fighting for your life you do not want the prosecutor offing up some unproven method of testing as evidence against you and yours.
So far I see the state’s case as we know Casey Anthony did something very bad. We don’t what she did, or how she did it or even where and when she did it, but she is the only person who could have done it. We have a theory we’d like you to buy but all we have is that theory.
I’m sorry but it isn’t supposed to work that way here in America. When we bring someone to trail in this country the state is supposed to have real evidence that can answer more questions than it creates.
Why is it so important that this be followed for Casey? Because if the most hated woman in America can her day in court without a malignant prosecution, than there is hope for you or I in the same situation.
If Mr. Baez and his team had simply made the 12 people sitting in the jury box aware of these facts instead of talking about molestation and family dynamics this would have been a winnable case.
So doesn’t that mean Casey who we all know is guilty of something would walk free.? Yes it does. Better a thousand Casey’s should walk free than one innocent person be sent to death row. That is the beauty and the tragedy of our justice system.
The one thing Casey Anthony is definitely guilty of is child neglect. With her statement that Caylee drowned while in her care, she would also face some sort of manslaughter conviction. The rest as you say, may or may not be what really happened. Yes, she may be guilty of more..but we don't know for sure that it was any degree of murder. Thanks for your well stated views.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much. I'm just glad to hear from anyone who isn't calling for me to be in the cell next to her because I didn't insist on her immediate and painful death.
ReplyDeletedear average guy i am just like you with the exception of admitting it outloud for the same fears you have. so i suppose there may be others like us but what happens to the poor jury if they dont convict?? will the media hunt them down for a town hanging?
ReplyDeleteIf they do I'd lay money on Nancy Grace pointing out the biggest tree to hang them from and tying the noose herself just to make sure it's good and tight.
ReplyDeleteAll kidding aside no matter what the jury comes back with the talking heads will talk till something more interesting comes along.
Very well written, and I agree.
ReplyDeleteThank you Karen.