The Casey Anthony trial is a great example of how our justice system has spun horribly off it’s axis.
I wanted Casey to get a fair trial and even be acquitted if the prosecution couldn’t prove its case not because I believe she’s innocent but because no matter whom the defendant is or what they are accused of the prosecution must meet its burden to keep an innocent person from being convicted.
However to be a fair trial both sides have to play fair. The job of a defense attorney used to be to provide vigorous representation for their client within the bounds of the law; at least it used to be. Now that job has been reduced to placing as close to 12 morons in a jury box as you can and convincing as many of them as possible that what could never happen in this or any other world just isn't just possible but probable.
Defense experts say whatever their paid to say and the truth be dammed. If you watched Dr. Spitz testify this week it was pretty clear even he didn’t believe his own testimony, but only in the paycheck he received and the chance to call himself defense expert on the Casey Anthony trial. A reference he’ll be using long after we have all forgotten about Casey herself.
What should be about finally finding out why and how a small child ended up as a bag of bones in a pet cemetery has become an attraction that has people fist fighting in the public square to catch a brief glimpse of our latest disposable celebrity. Ever since the Simpson trial defendants have become celebrities instead of defendants, and we tune in to see their lawyers do the legal equivalent of a dog jumping through a flaming hoop. It’s all a fabulous show that gets us no closer to an answer.
Today HLN ran a piece about the clothes Casey has been wearing during the trial. What’s next the Casey diet? You can only eat the same things she buys from the jail commissary.
I long for the days when court officers had integrity and the only goal was justice be it a conviction or acquittal.
If Casey walks from these charges we can all look forward to Casey the Lifetime movie , the perfume, the clothing line and of course the reality show, and we'll all try to forget that little bag of bones.
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