It seems to me the main focus of our justice system has become who is to blame for the things I do and nothing exemplifies this principal more than the Casey Anthony case.
It seems everyone is to blame for the death of Caylee Anthony but her mother.
Cindy Anthony was domineering, George and Lee touched her, Roy Kronk was out to become rich and famous, the police were lazy and never looked at anyone else, the FBI Crime Lab is incompetent and everyone just wants a piece of poor Casey. To use her words she is just as big a victim as her daughter.
Do you feel sorry for her yet? Either do I.
I feel sorry for a judicial system that permits this type of legal Three Card Monty to proliferate in court rooms across America day after day.
The Casey Anthony case would have been entirely winnable had she done one simple thing. Stopped all the lying and finally took personable responsibility for her own actions.
I can promise you 12 decent people would want to believe her daughter’s death was a tragic accident that she was too immature to know how to deal with and covered it up as opposed to a cold blooded murder. She could have walked away with lying to police and possibly neglect and walked out of the county jail with time severed
Instead Jose Baez decided to play the blame game. The truth of the matter is I have no idea if George Anthony ever molested Casey, but I do know women that have been molested and grow up to kill always kill their abuser and not their child.
Everybody in the world has a weird family dynamic of some sort. That’s why the Brady Bunch was so popular. Everybody doesn’t kill and blame the action on their family dynamic.
Instead of acknowledging that the FBI Crime Lab is the best in the world and if even they couldn’t find one bit of forensic evidence that directly ties Casey to the crime scene it should be pretty clear that there isn’t any evidence to find. Instead what we hear is about George Anthony molesting his daughter.
The cross examination of Dr. Garavaglia should be taught in law schools as an example of what not to do with an expert witness. How it should have been handled is the defense should have played up her expertise and than asked these simple questions:
1) Dr. did Caylee Anthony die of an allergic reaction?
2) Dr. did Caylee Anthony die of a previously unknown heart or brain defect?
3) Dr. did Caylee Anthony drown?
4) Dr. did Caylee Anthony choke to death?
5) Dr. did Caylee Anthony die from accidentally ingesting cleaning supplies?
The only answer she could honestly give would be I don’t know and if a physician of her knowledge and experience doesn’t know there is truly no evidence of murder.
Instead we have a circus that is designed to insult the intelligence of the jurors, and is just another blight on our justice system
If the defense had followed this simple truth of personal responsibility Casey Anthony would be back on the stripper pole before you could say hot body contest.
I should tell you if you disagree with I have to say in this blog I tried calling my mother today and the phone went to voice mail because she was napping and my father couldn’t meet me for coffee because his car was in the shop. So if you disagree with me please blame them.
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