I am sitting here reading about another politician who has had an affair. This time it is Senator John Ensign of my home state of Nevada.
Maybe I an uninformed or don’t hold elected officials to the same standard others do but my reaction is so what.
As far as I can tell Sen. Ensign did his job every day, didn’t funnel campaign or state money to her or do anything else even close to illegal. All he did was have sex with a woman who wasn’t his wife and that is nobody’s business except his and Mrs. Ensign.
Does this make him unable or unworthy to carry out the business of the state of Nevada? I don’t see why not.
It is time to realize our elected officials are people just like you and I and susceptible to the same desires and temptations as the rest of us.
I think the Senator did the right thing by keeping this private as long as he did and only came forward to protect himself from the extortion attempt of the husband of the woman he was seeing.
There are some things that are not the business of the people and what an official does at the end of their work day provided it is not illegal is one of them.
This is not a new story. Only the names have changed.
We all remember President Clinton’s involvement Monica Lewinsky. I had no problem with it then or now.
The only thing I feel President Clinton did wrong was lie about it when it became public. He could have saved the country a great deal of time, trouble, and money by coming clean when it became public, just as Senator Ensign did.
When it comes time for the Senator’s re-election I hope the people of Nevada will vote based on the job they feel he has done and not what two consenting adults did on their own time behind a closed door.
Are you f-ing serious or is this satire?
ReplyDeleteWho friends fox news anchors on Facebook? Answer: You Do!!!! Your bias is showing big time. You like to portray yourself as this conservative guy with an independent/fair streak, but you watch Fox News? I know a million guys like you, you are a Republican to the death, but you don't like to admit it. My guess is that during the Bush years, you called yourself a Libertarian (especially post-2003-04), am I right?
ReplyDeleteHere is one major problem with your John Ensign defense. You maybe were totally forgiving of President Clinton (doubtful), but he sure the hell was not. Not to mention, I don't remember Clinton's family all of sudden giving "GIFTS" to Monica.
No you are night right. This is not a political party issue. It doesn't matter to me if the politician was a Rep. or Dem. What matters to me is some things are no business of the people and provided Sen Ensign broke no laws this is one of them.
ReplyDeleteIf you found out your family Dr. had an affair would you stop going to see him/her? Probably not. The same should apply to politicians who are just as human as you or I.