I have never understood the view of the select few who use violence in the war against abortion.
I just do not see how murder prevents murder. Yes I know all the standard arguments that by killing the doctor you have saved all the lives he or she would have killed. I understand those arguments I just don’t buy them.
I do not want to turn this blog into a debate abortion itself. If it is something you really want to discuss I would rather save that for another entry where it can be given the full consideration it is due. Today I want to talk about killing doctors.
People who kill abortion doctors always say they are following God’s will yet completely ignore the sixth commandment. If you believe in the Ten Commandments how do you pick this one to ignore.
Killing abortion doctors is not going to stop abortions. Abortions are a business just like the removal of kidney stones or any other medical procedure. As long as there is profit to be made doctors will perform abortions. It is as simple as that.
People who kill abortionists give Christians a bad name (and the people who do this always profess to be Christians). I am sure if you were to poll the Christian population 99.9% would say abortion is murder and it should be outlawed. That is their right. I’m sure the same 99.9% would say it is just as big a sin to walk into a church with a gun and kill someone who performs abortions.
People who kill abortionists hide behind the name of Christianity without really knowing any of its core values. The majority of Christians would never even consider such a thing.
If you are that against legal abortion the way to stop it is to have the Supreme Court overturn Roe V. Wade not by bombing buildings and shooting people no matter what they do for a living.
When you take this route you are no better than the terrorists we are fighting around the world right now.
a soapbox that no one can disagree on...
ReplyDeleteYou would have to be insane not to disagree.
ReplyDeleteOk, so I am going to act as a voice of reason for Christians (being that I am one myself) and offer my two and 3/4 cents.
First off, the Ten Commandments say THOU SHALL NOT KILL. That one little rule is one that both the doctor and the red neck are guilty of. The doctor preformed it under the shield of a medical procedure, and the crazy psycho that shot the doctor in church is just that, a crazy psycho.
One thing that drives me to insanity is that my people, the Christians, are a judgmental bunch. The idea that we as humans have the right to judge anyone for any action, be it murder or calling some old lady a bitch in traffic is against the rules. What all the Christians seem to be missing here is that only God can judge people, bottom line, plain and simple.
So my point is this. The doctor who was tragically killed the other day has already been judged by God and sent to heaven or hell. But in my opinion the doctor has a much better chance of forgiveness than the red neck that shot him does. I can’t imagine God thinking a murderer is a better soul then the doctor, even if the red neck killed the doctor in his name. If God feels that way then everything about a God of peace and love in the New Testament is wrong.
Despite being against abortion (with certain exception) that doctor helped women through what I can only imagine to be one of the most painful and difficult decisions of their lives. I don’t care if you are atheist, a Buddhist, or a Satanist, going through an abortion would be very traumatic both physically and emotionally for any woman. I know people who have gone through with one and are haunted years and years later by their choice to end the pregnancy.
So to my fellow Christians, back off and let God judge. Preach with caution and accept the fact that not everyone agrees with us. Some people believe in other Gods and some don’t believe in any God at all. All we can do revel in the fact that we are saved and pray for a world that is good for all of Gods people, even if they don’t believe in him.
God Bless and leave my fellow Christians with a question. If the bible says thou shall not kill why do we support the death penalty?
ReplyDeleteI am not a Christian but I could not have expressed it any better.
I think you called it right, this guy was not a Christian but just a crazy psycho.
This guy was to Christianity what Timothy McViegh was to patriotism.
My concern is do people see a story about this man and think Christians around the county are saying Amen to this because my best guess is they are just as disgusted by this as non Christians.
I liked what you had to say about the women who undergo this procedure as well. I have always contended Jesus would not stand outside of a clinic holding a sign and berating the woman going into it he would be hugging the woman coning out of it.
Btw if that's your idea of "Christian Content" no warning needed. It sounded like plain old common sense to me.