Not long after the verdict in the Casey Anthony case was read I placed this post on my Facebook page.
We learned one thing today. No matter who you are or what people think about you in America you will have your day in court and when you do the state better prove their charges against you. Love Casey or hate her, agree or disagree with the verdict the big winner today was our system of justice.
The justice system worked today. Why did it work because 12 people got to hear both sides of a case and make up their mind as to what was true and what wasn’t. If this can happen to the most hated woman in America if not the world it can happen for you and I.
I have said since this trial began that Jose Baez will either be proven to be an idiot or genius when this is over and I have bashed him at every turn and while he picked a defense I would have never suggested in the end he did a job that no one thought he was capable of and did it wonderfully and I offer him my public apology.
You may not agree with this verdict but you can take solace that if you are ever sitting at the defense table you have as good a shot as Casey Anthony.
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