I am as proud to be an American as any one person can be. I love my country and that is why I am so distressed at the things I see going on around me.
My country is going to hell like a street car with no breaks and no one is doing a thing to stop it.
I was among to say the first President Obama was not my choice but he is my President and for that reason alone I was going to give him a fair chance.
I have given him a fair chance and I have come to the conclusion Barack Obama is the political equivalent of David Copperfield.
He holds the health care debate high in his right hand to deter your focus from the crumbling economy in his left hand.
I won’t insult the intelligence the reader and say health care isn’t an important issue but it pales behind the need to rebuild the economy. As sad as it to say the average American has bigger problems than being uninsured. They are unemployed. The need for basic medical services is superseded by the need to find any method they can to pay their mortgage and feed their children.
If half the effort were made to bring American jobs back to America as there is in passing a bill that won’t improve the lives of anyone at all health care in America would be an issue I’d love to discuss, but frankly we wouldn’t need to because the majority of people would be working and have employer paid heath care and we wouldn’t need a diversionary debate to focus our attention from the rumbling in our bellies.